CBD Oil Real Testimonials

Zoltan: CBD Oil for Seasonal Allergies

As I have seasonal allergies, with each arrival of the grass blossom season, my life turns upside down. Since allergy pills don't work as well as I would like, I decided to try CBD oil. I started with 2 drops, 2 times a day, of 10% CBD oil.

The first time I took it, after about an hour, I felt my eyes stop itching and my nose stopped being so sensitive. I still combine the oil with medication, but instead of taking 2-3 tablets, I now take 1.

Now my morning looks like this: when I wake up, I feel my eyes itch and a runny nose appears. I immediately take 1 tablet of medication and 2 drops of CBD, and an hour later I feel completely fine. ☺️

Lana: Hemp Products Give Me Hope

Thanks to your products, I get the hope that it will be better. Thank you.

Bethany Clarke: Seeds and CBD Oil to Improve Sleep

I have hemp oil with CBD from you, which calmed me down a lot and improved my sleep. I recommend it everywhere. I also buy hemp seeds from you. Have a nice day.

Helena E.: CBD is "a Medicine for Everything"

I have been using oil with hemp and CBD for a long time, both for myself and my children. I also recommended it to my mother-in-law, who suffered from pain in the pelvic area and cannot praise it enough. She uses it both internally and topically, as well as on her face. It is a medicine for everything and it is great that it can be bought from you in the Czech Republic and also elsewhere.

Sirius: Strong Anxiety Relief After Taking CBD Oil

I cordially greet you, dear creators of Cannadorra :) I'm too shy about the video review and I can't send you a photo because I don't currently have a product from you. That's why I choose this word form :) For me, your products are literally a miracle. Strong anxiety has been complicating my life for many years. I tried many treatments, from medical to spiritual, but nothing helped. But after trying the CBD, relief finally came for the first time. It's an incredible feeling. I finally feel better. I experienced peace, tranquility, and peace of mind that were previously unimaginable. It is beautiful. Hard to describe.

Again, I was convinced that nature is everything! Well, simply put, thanks to your products, my life can finally improve and I will be able to function normally. I would definitely like to try your vaporizer as well, as the efficiency is even better, so as soon as my financial situation improves, I will definitely go for it :) So far, this competition of yours, in which it is possible to get CBD capsules, but also other quality products. Maybe luck will smile on me :) In any case, thank you very much for all the good things you do. You are amazing! I cordially greet you from Slovakia :)

Irene and Thomas: We Can No Longer Imagine Our Lives Without Hemp

I started thinking about hemp when my husband had serious health problems. The verdict was - you will be paralyzed in two years, you will end up in a wheelchair. To this was added dementia, he lost weight, and he became a lying man. He lost muscle - at a height of 186 cm, he fell from 96kg to 76kg. He suffered from depression, he was aggressive, we were at the bottom. I was after a stroke and I have untreated borreliosis - so I'm worried enough with myself to stop it all. A total of 2 times it happened to me that I had a memory loss - I didn't know the moment I was - I didn't notice passers-by - passing cars - familiar buildings didn't tell me anything. It always took a few minutes, I stood still before it faded - like paralyzed. Empty in my head. I read a lot of articles about hemp, but they went somehow outside of me. When the so-called impulse came. I read the pages - Cannadorra - including the reviews many times before I sent the order. We both started with CBD, then CBG - for men proteins from hemp - oil from hemp, hemp salt, and slowly our cupboard in the kitchen began to fill with hemp products - including hemp coffee, hemp ointments, tea, etc. The result began to appear. 6kg, his muscles began to build, so much muscle strength, he walks on sticks, but he walks. His thinking changed — dementia sailed away — he calmed down mentally, the depression disappeared. Today he is a completely different person. He used to have delusions, he screamed from sleep at night, he saw figures who were not there. It all faded — thanks to hemp products. We use both hemp ointment - it has a wide range of uses. I put it on my skin / I have it dry / we lubricate the joints, feet after the bath, our pain has decreased, but it is also suitable for any wounds - abrasions - there is no purulent deposit, but the wound heals immediately and new skin grows. Now we are dealing with shingles - a blister - and the blisters dry beautifully and fall off like the healed scabs. I add hemp proteins and oil daily to smoothies or yogurts and creams. They contain a lot of minerals and vitamins without burdening his digestive system. We drink CBG in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening. After dinner, we add hemp tea and have the euphoria of how well we did that day. It is true that we are both calmer and more balanced now. The brain is smarter, my husband started reading again / which it wasn't / and I did crossword puzzles. So there is nothing to add. The end is good, everything is good. We are very grateful to you. Thank you thank you thank you...We live a normal life again - thanks to you - Cannadorra ...

Aby Evans: I Bet on CBD Capsules and Hemp Ointment

I discovered Cannadorra a year ago, and I'm very happy about it. At first, I didn't orient myself, but thanks to their great communication with customers, I had not only advice on what to choose, but also how to enjoy it. I have physical pain and because of that, also insomnia. CBD tablets, their beautiful green color is a feast for the eyes, and not only that, I fall asleep beautifully after them, I felt a general mental calm. Sore joints and muscles, there is no lard so it pleasantly smells and spreads well when massaging, for me it's great, I'm looking forward to trying other products. Have a nice day and go on, you do a great job.

Susan: Oncology Patient and CBD

I am an oncology patient. Since I learned about your products about two months ago, I regularly use CBD 10% oil, hemp tea, and lunar ointment, which I use to rub the postoperative environment, and a protein mixture. I must really say that I feel more "alive." I believe in alternative treatment and these products of yours belong to it. I highly recommend it to everyone, not only the sick but also the healthy, as a preventive measure. Thanks.

Sophie: Hemp Oil Against Migraines

Hemp oil helps me a lot against frequent migraines; without it, I can't imagine it at all. At the same time, together with my daughter, I use hemp seed and hemp protein for mash. It's super!

Christina: CBD Helps Lupus

I have an autoimmune disease - lupus. CBD helps me a lot for overall relaxation and especially relieves pain.

Denis: ADHD Improvements Thanks to CBD

We have a good experience with CBD oil, tea, and peeled and whole seeds. Our granddaughter has ADHD and ADD, and on the recommendation of your employee, we order these products from you and see improvements. Even at school, after talking to the teacher, she sees an improvement. We are very happy for that and thank you very much.

Sarah Miller: Multiple Sclerosis and CBD Drops

I've been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I've been looking for all the options to handle life and work. By chance, I came across CBD drops and hoped for a miracle. I had big cramps in my stomach, I badly felt my left leg, arm, and torso. Absolute hell. After a week of use, spasms began to fade and finally, I felt better. As a bonus, digestion was also adjusted. Hemp oil has become a necessity for me to continue working. I believe I will be here for a long time, and this great miracle - hemp - will have a great merit.

Lenka Kyčerková: My Experience with CBD and ADHD

Oil with CBD has been used by my son for 2 months. He has ADHD. He is calmer. I can only recommend it.

Jessica: CBD Oil for Seizures

CBD oil helps my son to alleviate epileptic seizures. We have been using it for almost 1.5 years.

Charlie Walsh: "I Use CBD Oil and I Am Full of Energy"

Great, I have been taking CBD drops 10% for 2 months and I am full of energy, I sleep well and we will see when I have my blood tests done to see if anything has been corrected. Otherwise, I recommend it to everyone.

John R.: Thanks to CBD Drops, the Neuropathy Has Subsided

I use CBD hemp oil 10%, I am a diabetic with a severe form. Regularly, I take it twice a day. My neuropathy does not get worse and I feel my legs much more, numbness has eased slightly. I will continue with the confidence I have in this product, thank you for being.

Ava R.: Better Sleep with MS Thanks to CBD Oil

I have multiple sclerosis and I use hemp oil with natural CBD. It has improved my sleep.

Elizabeth Wilson: CBD Oil Helps with Cystic Fibrosis

Hello, I'm very happy with your products. I have problems with cystic fibrosis and your oil is great for relaxing mucus and also for relaxing the whole body and washing bad things out of the body. I also had hemp tea with mint, but I no longer have it. It also beneficially affected the organism.

Emily: CBD for Back Pain

Hello, I started using hemp products mainly for mental reasons and for back pain that shoots into my leg. And I can say that I feel much better and even the shooting pain in my leg has improved significantly. I will be happy to continue because I am at the beginning. My daughter's dog Arthur is supervising me and we send you greetings :)

J.F.: CBD Oil Drops Helped Me Get Back on My Feet

I have been using CBD drops for 4 years and it helps me a lot. You could say that those drops put me back on my feet.

Evelyn B.: Experience of Taking CBD with Alzheimer’s

We bought it for the lady and it helps her. We could have thrown away some of the medicine she was taking. She has Alzheimer’s.

Olive Williams: Change for the Better with ADHD and ADD

We use your products for the granddaughter with ADHD and ADD and we are satisfied. There is a change for the better.

Eva R.: CBD Oil 5% and Autism in My Daughter

Good day. So far, we only use CBD 5% hemp drops for our daughter with autism. We are only at the beginning, but I feel that her vocabulary is improving and she is starting to form more meaningful sentences. We will definitely continue to do so and plan to use more of your products.

Andy Mitchell: Autism and CBD

We have been using Cannadorra products for about 5 years after my son was diagnosed with autism. We use hemp oil, tea, seeds daily and we will definitely continue to do so. We currently like toothpaste with CBD. And our dog likes hemp hearts.

James: CBD Drops for Better Sleep

I have been using CBD oil drops from you for over a year. I fall asleep beautifully, and when I have a headache, a few drops and after a while peace and quiet :)

Andrea: Multiple Sclerosis and CBD Oil

Good day. So far, I have only experience with Hemp CBD oil and I will not do without it. I became more interested in CBD when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and had to go to the hospital for treatment with strong corticosteroids. After returning home, I was not able to walk even a few steps and to make matters worse, I had bouts of anxiety and panic and insomnia. So I tried your CBD oil and after the first drop I felt a huge relief and I was even able to walk normally without being afraid of fainting. Gradually, the CBD began to heal what was needed, so it helped me with the stability of my body, relieved me of anxiety and panic, and I was afraid that I would have to take antidepressants. Last but not least, it helped me sleep and I could finally sleep all night. I have to say that I consider CBD to be a small miracle and I am going to try other products of yours because I believe that hemp is really a miracle plant.

Marria: I Sleep Well Thanks to CBD

At Christmas, I got CBD oil and I finally sleep peacefully at night. Thank you and I recommend it to everyone!

Josef: CBD Oil and Type 2 Diabetes

Hello. I bought the product 5% hemp oil with CBD on the e-shop. I am satisfied with it because I have diabetes (type 2). Although I do not take any medication for diabetes, I am only on a diet and this product helps me keep my blood sugar levels normal.

Jake Taylor: CBD Helped Our Dog During the Most Difficult Moments

Hello, I would like to share a review of CBD oil from you. We had a Hungarian Hound who completely paralyzed herself in half a year. Despite all possible MRI, sampling, and examinations by various specialists, we were unable to find a diagnosis, probably spinal cord or hereditary neurological disease. In any case, CBD oil (along with CBG) helped us a lot with palliative care, when we didn't have to resort to any pain medications. We had no chance, but we are definitely glad that the dog could be with us until the last moment with his consciousness. And we are very grateful for that opportunity.

Brad Harris: I Recommend CBD to All Athletes

I am an athlete and CBD oil helps me with regeneration after training and muscle relaxation, as well as improving my sleep quality and mental well-being, so I definitely recommend it.