CBD Vaping: User Testimonials and Reviews

Michaela: CBD Vaping Helps the Whole Family Against Headaches

Unfortunately, my loved ones often suffer from headaches and related issues, including depression. I went through such a period myself, and whenever I felt the onset of a headache, I vaporized CBD liquid and felt better. In fact, I didn't even get headaches anymore.

I recommend it to everyone in my neighborhood - my mom, my grandmother, my friend - and it really works! I've received nothing but positive feedback from them.

Thanks to hemp for that!

5 / 5


Richard M.: Quitting Alcohol with CBD Vaping

Hello, I am satisfied with the product. Even though 1% CBD in liquid is essentially just 2% in liquid, it is a pleasant activity when quitting alcohol. I am looking forward to trying a stronger e-liquid!

4.5 / 5

Richard M.

Jochen: Resting with the Help of CBD

I have bought CBD liquid and tea and I am fully satisfied. About an hour before bedtime, it helps me a lot to find my peace and relieves my pain. I have also read that it might adhere to liver receptors and potentially prevent cancer.

5 / 5


Christel: Sleep Better and Fall Asleep with CBD Vaporization

Hello, I have been taking hemp tea for about 4 weeks in the evening. By the third day, I was able to fall asleep much faster and finally sleep well. Additionally, I recently started using the e-liquid and feel more relaxed during the day without feeling tired. I would recommend these products and the provider in any case.

5 / 5


Lukas: CBD Against Stress

I use CBD e-liquid in an electric cigarette. I'm a chef in a restaurant where it gets really busy, and it helps with the stress. Moreover, I'm forbidden to smoke grass, so this suits me perfectly.

4.5 / 5

Lukas, Germany