Shopping information

Order processing - how long does it take?

Orders are usually processed within 24 hours (for weekdays) after your order. We do not ship orders on weekends or Czech holidays.


Order confirmation - will you be informed?

Yes! We will send you a confirmation email when your package is shipped. If you need a tracking number, you can always contact us and get your number.


Returns / complaints

  • You may return unused and undamaged goods within 14 days of receipt of delivery without giving any reason.
  • All goods must be returned in their original packaging and in their original condition.
  • Send the products to our address with the completed covering letter:

Zelená Země s.r.o.

Kosovská 10

58601 Jihlava

Note: Postage and packing is paid by the buyer at his own expense, not on receipt of defective goods or goods other than those ordered.

Before returning any goods, please send us information about this by e-mail to or in writing to Zelená Země s.r.o., Wuchterlová 523/5, 160 00 Prague 6.

In addition, please indicate in the e-mail/letter whether you would like to book other goods. In case of exchange, we will send the goods within 10 days.

For detailed information, please see the Terms and Conditions.

Methods of payment

1) Credit Card
Deduction of the purchase amount from your bank account occurs immediately after the confirmation of your order.

2) Bank Transfer
You can pay for your order via bank transfer:
IBAN-Nr: CZ6420600000000001110949
Variable symbol: Your Order Nr.
Bank-account owner: Zelená Země, s.r.o.
Bank-Instution: Citfin, Radlická Str. 751/113e,158 00 Prague

Transport options - across the EU

Delivery charges are determined individually on the basis of the order.

Note: Please note that the goods will be delivered only after payment has been received.

Please report any physical damage to the shipment during transit upon receipt from the carrier or refuse to accept the shipment.

For ecological reasons, we pack the goods in used boxes. Therefore, we do not charge for any packaging.

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