What is osteoarthritis in dogs and what helps?
Author: Lucie Garabasova
Just like humans, dogs can also suffer from osteoarthritis — a condition that causes joint pain in dogs. The symptoms of osteoarthritis can vary; some dogs show visible signs, while others may not. Find out what osteoarthritis is in dogs and what helps. Guaranteed advice, tips, and natural products.
What is Osteoarthritis in dogs?
Osteoarthritis is an orthopedic joint disease in dogs that causes pain. It is most commonly found in larger and heavier breeds, but in some dogs, it may not appear until old age. However, it is not uncommon for a dog to develop osteoarthritis at just 1 year old.
Osteoarthritis is accompanied by inflammation of the synovial membrane, thickening of the joint capsule, and serious changes to the cartilage, which loses its cushioning role between the two ends of bones. On these unprotected bone ends, bony outgrowths called osteophytes develop. Over time, muscles and ligaments are also affected — underused muscles begin to atrophy, while ligaments become looser.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis vary and can be divided into:
- Primary osteoarthritis, caused simply by aging.
- Secondary osteoarthritis, which is a direct result of injury, inflammation, or congenital joint abnormalities.
Osteoarthritis is exacerbated by external factors such as obesity or excessive physical activity.
Osteoarthritis is painful, and dogs express this pain in different ways. The most common sign is limping, but dogs may also adopt unusual positions in an attempt to find relief. Other symptoms include reluctance to move, loss of appetite, and mood changes.
How can I tell if my dog has Osteoarthritis?
Only a veterinarian can confirm osteoarthritis after a series of examinations. Here are a few warning signs that something might be wrong with your dog, and that osteoarthritis could be the cause:
- Difficulty getting up and lying down
- Stiff walking
- Limping on one or more legs
- Reluctance to go up and/or down stairs
- Unwillingness to jump up or down (onto or off furniture, or into/out of a vehicle)
- Stiff, swollen, or painful joints
- Reluctance to be touched in certain areas
- Weight loss
- Unexpected aggression towards other dogs or people
The veterinarian will diagnose osteoarthritis based on a physical examination, palpation (feeling the joints to localize pain and assess its intensity), and additional diagnostics, including X-rays or other imaging techniques. X-rays for diagnosing osteoarthritis in dogs are usually done under anesthesia.
How is Osteoarthritis treated in dogs? What helps?
The best treatment is early prevention. However, if osteoarthritis has already developed, the goal is to relieve pain, slow disease progression, restore joint function, and minimize joint instability.
Joint pain is usually treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which work for some dogs but not for others — and they can cause side effects (such as heart palpitations, shortness of breath, or insomnia).
Try a natural veterinary product with CBD, which, according to available studies, has been proven to relieve pain in dogs with osteoarthritis — without side effects. You can also read real experiences with CBD in dogs.
Physical therapy
Once pain is managed (whether with medication or natural veterinary supplements), it’s important to combine treatment with physical therapy — find a qualified canine physiotherapist who can work with your dog. This helps not only manage pain but also slow down disease progression.
Other options include laser therapy or aquatherapy, depending on what suits your dog.
Adapt your home for a dog with Osteoarthritis
This part should actually be part of preventive care to reduce the risk of osteoarthritis. Ideally, your dog shouldn’t lie in drafts or on hard, slippery floors. Allow your dog to move around on non-slip surfaces as much as possible. If possible, avoid stairs, especially going down, as this is particularly difficult for dogs with osteoarthritis.
Cold environments worsen osteoarthritis, so keep your dog warm and consider getting appropriate clothing.
If you use a collar, switch to a harness, which is less invasive to the cervical spine, especially if your dog pulls on the leash.
Go on regular short walks (preferably several times a day). Long, irregular walks are not suitable for dogs with osteoarthritis.
How can you prevent Osteoarthritis in dogs?
- Pedigree Dogs (PP) – With a pedigree dog, you have some guarantee that arthritis is not hereditary.
- Proper Nutrition – Do not overfeed your dog. Obesity puts excessive stress on joints.
- Dog-Friendly Home – No slippery floors, prevent your dog from lying in drafts, etc.
- Puppy X-Rays – If you X-ray your dog at 4-5 months of age, you can catch any early signs of osteoarthritis, allowing you to start preventive therapy early and reduce the risk of disease progression in young dogs.
How does CBD help with Osteoarthritis in dogs?
CBD does not cure arthritis, but it helps to reduce pain and relieve inflammation associated with the disease — without side effects.
Because CBD helps reduce inflammation and pain, it improves mobility in dogs.
However, always carefully select only approved veterinary products.
What is the recommended CBD dosage for dogs with arthritis?
A study conducted by Cornell University found that 2 mg of CBD per kilogram of body weight, administered twice daily, may help improve comfort and activity in dogs with arthritis.
In practice, we recommend the following dosing for dogs with arthritis:
- For dogs up to 5 kg – 2% CBD oil for dogs: 1-2 drops twice a day
- For dogs up to 15 kg – 5% CBD oil for dogs: 1-2 drops twice a day
- For dogs up to 30 kg – 10% CBD oil for dogs: 2 drops twice a day
- For dogs over 30 kg, CBD oils for horses can also be used.
Or try CBD treats for dogs – 1 treat equals 1 drop of 5% CBD oil for dogs.
If you are unsure about choosing the right product or determining the correct dosage, you can take advantage of our free hemp consultation service.
Experiences with arthritis in dogs and CBD
Sunny is an assistance dog, a 5.5-year-old golden retriever. His owner, Mrs. Alexandra, contacted us when she was looking for supportive therapy after Sunny was diagnosed with arthritis in his elbow. Because Sunny is an assistance dog who helps us humans, we decided to cover the entire treatment through our foundation. Sunny has been using CBD oil for dogs for several months, and his owner shares her experience with us.
How did you find out that your dog had arthritis?
One day, he started limping, but it was not very noticeable. Sometimes he limped, sometimes he didn't. Then he was fine for several days, and suddenly, one day, he would step a bit strangely. He didn’t react as if he was in pain, he didn’t whine, and he walked normally. It was strange, so we kept an eye on him. After about a month, he suddenly started visibly limping and had trouble getting up.
We immediately made an appointment with a veterinary orthopedic specialist at Vetcentrum, Dr. MVDr. Duchek, where we knew Sunny would be in the best hands. He was limping on his front left leg. X-rays revealed that he had arthritis in both elbows. Unfortunately, this can happen, and the cause is often unclear. It was quite a shock for us!
We agreed to start treatment to relieve the current pain and then set up supportive care to prevent his condition from worsening and to keep him as comfortable as possible. First, it was necessary to treat the inflammation already present in the elbow, so he started receiving monthly injections and was put on joint supplements containing pain relief components.
However, we didn’t want him to become dependent on medication, so we looked for other supportive options. Our goal was to gradually phase out the medications and injections so that we could save those options for emergencies, and to avoid unnecessary long-term dependence on pharmaceuticals.
How did you hear about CBD?
I started searching for alternative treatments and remembered that CBD might be able to help him.
I was researching CBD options for animals and came across the website of Cannadorra. I had read a lot about their CBD products in relation to children with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, etc.
So I contacted them, learned about the Foundation Fund, where I was informed that they would cover the full treatment with hemp products, and they sent the first drops for Sunny.
What were the first days on CBD like?
After a few days of use, when he was already off the joint supplements with pain relief ingredients and was only taking supplements without that ingredient — and still going for injections once a month — it was clear that he was feeling better. He was happier, wanted to play more, had more zest for life, and stopped limping. We were curious to see what would happen once the injections were stopped — whether his condition would worsen again. After 4 doses, we decided to try stopping them, keeping him only on CBD, joint supplements, homeopathy, and regular rehabilitation. He functions normally, with the only adjustment being that we try to minimize walking up and down stairs — especially going down, to avoid excess weight on his front legs.
Cannadorra also sent us hemp oil, which we add to his food, and thanks to that, he no longer experiences the occasional stomach issues he used to have due to his sensitive digestion — for example, even drinking from a pond could upset his stomach.
How is Sunny doing now after more than 6 months on CBD?
Currently, his condition is good — he gets plenty of exercise because he’s not attending school, so he’s spending more time in the forest and on varied terrain, which is great for strengthening his legs. He didn’t have any rehabilitation during the summer. Everything is working well — he’s not limping, he’s not showing any signs of pain. On top of that, he has a beautiful coat, a great mood, and he’s playful and smiley (really! :)). We’ll see if his condition changes once school starts again, with city transport, increased concentration, and overall fatigue.
However, we know that CBD — in combination with other support — is definitely helping him, and we are grateful that thanks to Cannadorra, we can provide him with the care he undoubtedly deserves for everything he does for us. He’s our guardian angel.
I also use CBD for musculoskeletal pain
That’s about Sunny. Besides him, I — the mother of the children who "own" Sunny — also take CBD. I have been struggling with musculoskeletal pain practically my whole life. Since childhood. The older I get, the worse it naturally becomes. I have osteoarthritis in all parts of my spine, herniated discs with vertebrae fusing in those areas, the highest degree of knee dysplasia in both knees, and chronic tendonitis in my arms. The biggest issue was nighttime pain that wouldn’t let me sleep.
I exercise, go to physiotherapy, work out at home my whole life, and I don’t suffer from being overweight. In short, I do everything I can to feel better — but it wasn’t working. My stiff body would loosen up during the day when I was busy and not thinking about it, but at night my body would register all the problems and react with such pain that I couldn’t sleep.
I tried a combination of CBD in the morning and CBG in the evening — and believe it or not — I sleep and no longer have nighttime pain. For me, it’s almost a miracle, because after years of being prescribed countless medication regimens (in the end, only Declofenac worked, which is far from ideal for long-term use), now I can move, I take CBD/CBG, and I’m doing well. I can function — and I can finally sleep. I’m not saying there aren’t occasional nights when I feel some pain, but it’s at least 80% better than before.
And since I’m not taking anything else now, it’s definitely thanks to Cannadorra and their hemp drops.
Thank you! You’ve helped us so much!