The use of CBD in the treatment of Celiac Disease

Author: Lucie Garabasova

Celiac disease is a lifelong autoimmune disorder caused by gluten intolerance. CBD is globally recognized for its beneficial health effects due to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to alleviate pain. As a result, CBD could be considered effective in treating health issues like celiac disease.

What is Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is an intolerance to gluten. In people with this condition, gluten triggers an autoimmune inflammation of the small intestine's mucous membrane, leading to the destruction of villi and microvilli. As a result, the surface area of the small intestine is reduced, diminishing its ability to digest and absorb nutrients. This impaired nutrient absorption can gradually lead to metabolic disruption.

The typical symptoms of celiac disease include diarrhea, bloating, abdominal cramps, weight loss, and fatigue.

This disorder can manifest at any age—during childhood or adulthood. Celiac disease is managed through a gluten-free diet.

In our selection, you’ll find gluten-free products as well. Try items such as hemp seeds, hemp protein, organic hemp oil, and more...

How does CBD work in treating Celiac Disease?

  • Fights Inflammation
  • Helps Relieve Pain
  • Effectively Addresses Anxiety and Depression

CBD is a natural compound derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Its ability to effectively interact with the human endocannabinoid system—which consists of endocannabinoids as well as CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors that regulate bodily functions like immunity, sleep, appetite, pain, and mood—makes it a promising treatment option.

CBD stimulates the production of CB1 and CB2 receptors and boosts the body's immune system. It may also help alleviate symptoms of celiac disease, such as pain, inflammation, loss of appetite, and irritation affecting the gastrointestinal tract.

Some patients also experience nausea, which can lead to loss of appetite and weight loss. CBD is beneficial in combating nausea and enhancing appetite.

From a scientific perspective, it has been proven that CBD is an inhibitor of the enzyme FAAH, also known as fatty acid amide hydrolase. CBD may be a solution for neuropathic pain (such as diabetic neuropathy, which affects the nerves and is often characterized by pain and cramps in the lower limbs) due to its neuroprotective and neurodegenerative properties.

How to use CBD to treat Celiac Disease

CBD can be used in various ways and forms to treat celiac disease. The choice is yours.

We recommend opting for a combination of CBD and CBG, as the combination of cannabinoids significantly enhances the overall effect. Therefore, hemp capsules are an ideal dietary supplement.


How to properly dose CBD for Celiac Disease

Before using CBD, several factors must be considered, and it's important to recognize that it is a natural dietary supplement that requires some time before it fully takes effect. Finding the right dosage is particularly important, as it varies for each individual.

At our hemp consultation center, we recommend starting with a lower dosage (such as one capsule per day or two drops per day) and gradually increasing the dose over several days until the desired effect is achieved.

Medical research on using CBD for Celiac Disease

While we are exploring the potential effects of CBD on celiac disease, it must be acknowledged that only limited studies focus on this topic.

  • For example, in 2011, Italian scientists conducted research published in the scientific journal PLOS One, determined to assess the possibility of reducing intestinal inflammation after using CBD for celiac disease. Their findings concluded that CBD regulates inflammatory responses in the intestine. As a result, it prevents intestinal damage, a symptom associated with celiac disease.
  • "Cannabidiol, a Safe and Non-Psychotropic Ingredient of the Marijuana Plant Cannabis sativa, Is Protective in a Murine Model of Colitis" (2011): This study conducted on animal models suggests that CBD may have a protective effect in inflammatory bowel disease. It was found that CBD reduces the severity of intestinal inflammation and improves gut permeability.
  • "Cannabidiol Reduces Intestinal Inflammation Through the Control of the Neuroimmune Axis" (2020): This study showed that CBD reduces the severity of colon inflammation by affecting interactions between the immune system and the nervous system.

Are there side effects of using CBD for Celiac Disease?

CBD has almost no side effects. If you take a very high dose, you might feel sleepy, lethargic, or nauseous.

However, such cases are rarely recorded in practice.