The best ointment for burns
Author: Ondrej Stovicek
Especially during the summer months, the risk of burns increases significantly due to excessive sun exposure and insufficient protection against UV radiation. However, it's not only the sun that can burn you – ugly burns can also be caused by fire.
We’ll explain what burns are, how to care for them, and we won’t forget to mention the best ointments for burns.
What are burns?
A burn is damage to the skin caused by heat – most commonly from the sun, or sometimes from fire. Burns can be treated in various ways – cooling ointments or foams are most commonly used for burns.
What do second-degree burns look like?
Second-degree burns involve the epidermis and part of the dermis. The burned area is red, with blisters, and may be swollen and painful.
To sum up, second-degree burns are characterized by:
- Blisters
- Deep redness
- The burned area may look wet and shiny
- Skin that is painful to the touch
- The burn may appear white or irregularly colored
What causes second-degree burns?
In most cases, partial-thickness second-degree burns are caused by the following:
- Scalding
- Flames (fire) – skin that comes into brief contact with a hot object
- Sunburn
- Chemicals
- Electricity
What to apply to burns?
First, we recommend rinsing the affected area with cool water and then applying panthenol – either in spray form or as a cream. In addition, there are special burn ointments, creams, and gels designed specifically for burns – or you can also use a hemp ointment or CBD ointment.
What is the best ointment for burns?
For sunburn, use regenerative products with panthenol. If the area is painful, a spray or panthenol foam for burns is easier to apply.
From Cannadorra’s range, try the following for burns:
Hemp oil with tea tree
This product contains natural hemp oil, which regenerates the skin and has anti-inflammatory properties, and tea tree, which is used to care for the skin in case of minor injuries such as abrasions, cuts, and minor burns.
Help your skin regenerate
Once the burns have healed a little and you are no longer in the acute phase, we recommend treating the affected area with a suitable hemp body cream, which softens the skin and helps with regeneration, which is especially necessary after burns.
Home remedies for burns
Mild burns usually heal completely within a week or two and typically do not cause scarring. The goal of burn treatment is to reduce pain, prevent infections, and speed up skin healing.
Cool water
The first thing you should do for a minor burn is run cool (not cold) water over the burned area for about 20 minutes. Then wash the burn with mild soap and water.
Cool compresses
A cool compress or a clean, damp cloth applied to the burned area helps relieve pain and swelling. Apply the compress in 5 to 15-minute intervals. Try to avoid overly cold compresses, as they can further irritate the burn.
Antibiotic ointments
Antibiotic ointments and creams help prevent infections. Apply an antibacterial ointment, such as Bacitracin or Neosporin, to the burn and cover it with plastic wrap or a sterile airtight bandage or cloth.
Aloe vera
Aloe vera is often referred to as the "burn plant." Studies show that aloe vera is effective in healing first- and second-degree burns. Aloe has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes circulation, and inhibits bacterial growth. Apply a layer of pure aloe vera gel taken directly from the aloe vera plant leaf to the affected area. If you buy aloe vera from a store, make sure it contains a high percentage of aloe vera. Avoid products with additives, especially dyes and perfumes.
Honey just got sweeter. In addition to its delicious taste, honey can help heal minor burns when applied topically. Honey has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.
Reduce sun exposure
Try to keep the burn out of direct sunlight. Burned skin will be very sensitive to the sun. Keep it covered with clothing.
Don’t pop your blisters
Although it may be tempting, leave blisters alone. Popping a blister can lead to infection. If you’re concerned about blisters that have formed due to a burn, see a doctor.
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever
If you’re in pain, take an over-the-counter pain reliever. Don’t forget – CBD also has pain-relieving effects!