Hemp Ointment for Eczema - Real Experience of little Eliška

Author: Lucie Garabasova

Eczema Can Be Quite Unpleasant and Can Trouble Many Adults. But What If the Eczema Affects a Child? If you belong to those who have problems themselves or know someone who suffers from these skin issues, then you should definitely read on! We will introduce you to a fantastic ointment for eczema, along with the real testimony of 7-year-old Eliška about how the hemp ointment for eczema works in practice.

What is Eczema?

Eczema is a skin condition that affects babies, children, and adults. It is characterized by the appearance of skin lesions (reddened, blistered, and scabbed), which appear and disappear on the skin alternately. Eczema causes extremely dry skin and damages the skin barrier. The skin hurts and there may be significant itching, which affects the patient’s everyday life.

Types of Eczema

There are many types of eczema, with the most common being:

  • Atopic: An immune response based on genetic predisposition, primarily showing up as itching, dry skin, paleness or redness, peeling skin, or blisters. The condition starts in infancy, sometimes disappearing during childhood, while in other cases, it persists throughout life.
  • Allergic: Caused by contact with an allergen.

What causes Eczema?

It is usually due to genetic predisposition, but of course, immunity also plays a role. Irritants, hormonal and climatic factors, or stress can also trigger eczema.


Can Eczema be treated?

During the acute phase, it is important to heal the inflamed areas as quickly as possible and restore the skin barrier (using ointments, for example). In some individuals, with advancing age or a complete lifestyle change, eczema may disappear.

What is the best for Eczema?

In addition to selecting the right ointment and applying it correctly, it is important to follow these points:

  • Hydration – Dry skin is more susceptible, so it is recommended to hydrate twice a day. If the problems are severe, up to 10 times a day.
  • Avoid dry air – It dries out the skin. It is not recommended to overheat your home; it’s best to keep the temperature between 16 and 18°C when sleeping.
  • Clothing – Choose breathable materials like cotton, hemp, bamboo, or linen.
  • Don’t scratch – Although eczema is highly itchy, scratching worsens its symptoms. You can apply a cooling compress to very itchy areas.
  • Washing – When washing, be sure to choose the right cosmetics; shower gels and shampoos should not contain substances that could irritate your skin.
  • Laundry – Use suitable washing gels, preferably natural ones.

How does Hemp Ointment work for Eczema?

Hemp ointment for eczema contains CBD, which has strong anti-inflammatory effects. Thanks to the presence of natural lanolin, shea butter, and beeswax, the ointment moisturizes and regenerates. It does not contain chemicals, so it does not irritate sensitive skin.

How to use Hemp Ointment for Eczema on hands?

For eczema on the hands, we recommend using hemp ointment on the skin. Our tip is to apply the ointment in the evening—rub it on your hands and wear cotton gloves (if eczema is on the palms) or a cotton t-shirt (if eczema is on the arms). The ointment will absorb nicely throughout the night, and you won’t have dirty bedding.

Real Experience of little Eliška with Atopic Eczema

Our daughter Eliška recently celebrated her 7th birthday and has been struggling with severe atopic eczema all over her body for several years. Atopic eczema is practically an incurable disease (although we have met cases where children "just grew out of it"), but still, you try to give your child the best and, above all, not let them suffer.

Such eczema can itch terribly, and explaining to a young child not to scratch is not always possible. Many nights have been truly horrific because she could scratch herself raw, which, of course, made the eczema worse. We tried various products, and I started to feel like I was out of options. Naturally, I know that eczema is not just about products, but also about what you eat, whether you are stressed, and all these factors are always taken into account as we try to create a good environment for our daughter. However, life is not a bed of roses, and after the birth of her brother, stress increased a little, just as when she started school, etc.

Endless supply of creams

Being a mother of three children, I shop practically, and if there was free shipping, I would take extra supplies for the future. But soon, I realized that buying more was actually a mistake. At first, most of the recommended ointments worked for Eliška in the first week—I emphasize that these were not cheap variants, we bought very expensive cosmetics on the recommendation of doctors, friends, etc. However, in the end, everything seemed the same: it worked for a week, and after that, Eliška and I were dealing with a scene in the evening because she didn’t want to be rubbed with creams or ointments anymore, as they started to burn her skin.

My journey to the Ointment from Cannadora

One evening, I had had enough and started searching for hemp ointments. I came across Cannadora, where I connected with experts who gave me great advice. In the end, I chose the hemp ointment for skin, and I must say it was one of the best decisions I made!

At first, Eliška was skeptical—after all, so many products had already disappointed her. But a week, two, three went by... and we were still applying the ointment from Cannadora, and nothing needed to be dealt with. Nothing burned Eliška! And it continued this way, and I was genuinely thrilled that we had found something that worked incredibly well and helped us so much. Eliška’s eczema calmed down a lot—we apply it twice a day—morning and night, all over her body, and it’s definitely noticeable.

We can’t do without Hemp Ointment for skin

We absolutely swear by this ointment, and it must never be missing from our home. Those who know this ointment know that it is really greasy, and sometimes it’s quite a hassle to wash clothes that occasionally get stains from the ointment—especially when you try to be an eco-mom and wash with eco-friendly products. But these are really minor drawbacks that are completely overshadowed by the way the ointment works. Occasionally, I also have to wrestle with the smell of the hemp ointment—after all, when you apply it twice a day, there are days when I just can't "stand" it anymore (this is just for me, Eliška never minded it), and when that happens, we occasionally switch to another ointment from the pharmacy or hemp body lotion, which we also have from you. But I know that I can never use any other ointment on Eliška’s face except for yours. :)

I have two more sons—fortunately, they don’t suffer from such extensive eczema, but from time to time, they also get dry spots on their skin. We immediately reach for the hemp ointment for skin, and this problem is effectively solved.

Thank you so much for being there and for making products that help!

And we thank the mother who shared this whole story with us and wish good health not only to her daughter but to their whole family!

Incorporate Hemp Oil into the therapy

Hemp oil is the main active ingredient in hemp cosmetics and cannot be overlooked. Hemp oil is full of antioxidants, vitamin A, and E. It hydrates and nourishes dry, tired skin. It effectively reduces redness, inflammation, and itching.

Hemp oil has been used as both food and medicine for thousands of years before our era in ancient China. Traditionally, it was prescribed in folk medicine to treat burns, eczema, and other skin conditions both externally and internally.

Its long-term use by both humans and animals strengthens hair, nails, and other tissues of this type. It has a positive effect on metabolism and the immune system. When used internally, health improvements are usually noticeable after two weeks.

Using the Effects of Hemp in bathing

  • For symptoms of dermatitis or psoriasis on the scalp, a hemp, nettle, and frankincense hair tonic has proven effective in quickly relieving itching and preventing scaly skin patches.
  • Hemp oil treatments before shampooing (rubbed into the hair, covered with plastic and a towel, and left for 2 hours) or adding a teaspoon of oil to shampoo also help.
  • After a bath, it is advisable to rub the whole body with pure hemp oil or massage oil made from it – it’s very pleasant and soothing.

As a supportive agent in treating skin issues with hemp products, we recommend soap with added hemp oil. For psoriasis and acne patients, a version with peeling or hemp seeds is particularly suitable.

Supportive treatments also include baths or compresses made from an infusion of hemp leaves from natural hemp (they can also be from male plants). The leaves are boiled in a large amount of water for 45 minutes and, after sitting for 1.5 hours, strained into a bath or applied as a compress. This infusion is also very effective against itching and washing hair for scalp areas affected by skin symptoms.