CBD oil helped me with hormonal imbalance and to get pregnant

Author: Lucie Garabasova

I’ve known for years that I would have significant problems getting pregnant. My gynecologist diagnosed me with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). I have struggled with irregular menstruation for years. Read about my real experience with CBD and discover how it helped me with hormonal imbalance.

What exactly is polycystic ovary syndrome?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which the ovaries produce an abnormal amount of androgens—male sex hormones that are usually present in women in small amounts. The term "polycystic ovary syndrome" refers to the many small cysts (fluid-filled sacs) that form in the ovaries.

Ovulation occurs when a mature egg is released from the ovary. This happens so it can be fertilized by a male sperm. If the egg is not fertilized, it is expelled from the body during menstruation. In some cases, a woman does not produce enough hormones necessary for ovulation.

When ovulation does not occur, many small cysts can form in the ovaries. These cysts produce hormones called androgens. Women with PCOS often have high levels of androgens, which can lead to further problems with their menstrual cycle and cause many of the symptoms associated with PCOS. Additionally, most women with polycystic ovaries have difficulty conceiving.

What are the symptoms of polycystic ovaries?

  • Missed, irregular, or very light periods.
  • Enlarged ovaries or multiple cysts.
  • Excess body hair, including on the chest, stomach, and back (hirsutism).
  • Weight gain, especially around the abdomen.
  • Acne or oily skin.
  • Male-pattern baldness or thinning hair.
  • Infertility.
  • Dark or thick skin patches on the back of the neck, under the arms, or under the breasts.

Polycystic ovaries cannot be completely cured, but symptoms can be alleviated with appropriate treatment, usually prescribed by a doctor.

A real story: How did my PCOS treatment go?

My doctor prescribed hormonal contraception, supposedly as a preventative measure so that I could function as any woman should. Doctors know best, right? So I followed their advice.

However, taking a pill EVERY single day was something I enjoyed only for a few years. I started slacking off—sometimes taking two pills, sometimes none, and then back to normal. I had to really push myself to stick to it.

When I started thinking about pregnancy

Thoughts of pregnancy and becoming a MOTHER first crossed my mind when I was 18 or 19 and living with an older boyfriend. At that time, I sadly recalled my gynecologist’s words about how it wouldn’t be so easy. I was struck by how vividly her words came back to me.

Thankfully, it remained just a thought and a dream at the time. I continued taking birth control pills. While my college friends envied me for not menstruating, I felt strange. The solution, once again, was more contraception. According to doctors, there was still no other option.

Eventually, I gave up on hormonal contraception and stopped taking it altogether. I simply grew tired of it. Naturally, I hardly menstruated at all. I didn’t worry about it—in fact, it was quite convenient. :) But deep down, something told me it wasn’t right.

Could CBD oil help with polycystic ovaries?

At that time, I was familiar with CBD oil in drops from abroad. It was a huge trend there (I had lived in Germany and Canada for several years). I thought it might help with my problem, so I decided to give it a try!

I started by regularly taking 2% CBD oil (2-3 drops in the evening), later increasing to the same amount twice daily. Eventually, I settled on 2 drops in the morning and 4 drops in the evening. When I finished that bottle, I switched to 5% CBD oil (2 drops in the morning, 3 in the evening).


A month after using CBD, I started menstruating

Something I never expected happened. One month in—and I got my period! For the first time in years without the help of artificial hormones. Wow!

The second month, the same thing happened… I even knew a couple of days in advance that it was coming. I felt amazing. I stocked up on hygiene products and shared my excitement with those around me. :)

Initial disappointment with the effects of CBD oil

But my excitement only lasted those two months. By the third month, I was eager for everything to go as it should again… but nothing happened. A week passed, then two, then a month. Still, I kept taking the CBD drops—they helped me sleep better and manage stress more effectively.

Two weeks ago, I found myself needing to take breaks several times a day at work. When I was home, I even had to lie down during the day.

When nausea set in, I decided to take a pregnancy test.

Am I pregnant—thanks to CBD?

A visit to my gynecologist confirmed everything. Now I can only laugh at how upset I was when my female processes stopped working again. 9 weeks pregnant.

Even though the tiny little bean growing in my belly was completely unplanned, my partner and I are already so excited to meet them.


What are the effects of CBD on polycystic ovaries?

Some studies conducted so far suggest that women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) experience dysfunction in the endocannabinoid system (ECS), including CB1 receptors, which leads to increased insulin production. CBD directly harmonizes the endocannabinoid system, potentially improving PCOS symptoms.


Anti-inflammatory properties and pain relief

Compared to women without PCOS, those with the condition have higher levels of inflammation. This can be caused by various factors, such as elevated levels of androgens and insulin, genetics, environmental influences, and fetal programming. Inflammation can exacerbate PCOS symptoms and lead to other inflammatory conditions. CBD possesses anti-inflammatory properties and directly helps relieve pain.

CBD helps with anxiety in PCOS

Anxiety is commonly associated with PCOS, affecting up to 30% of individuals with the condition. Anxiety can often make falling asleep difficult or cause frequent awakenings during the night. Sleep disorders are, in fact, a well-documented symptom of PCOS.

Another significant benefit of CBD for PCOS is its ability to indirectly activate serotonin receptors, producing a calming, anti-anxiety effect. In fact, one of the most common reasons people use CBD is for anxiety and better sleep. Thanks to these properties, CBD is an excellent option for improving PCOS symptoms, particularly issues with sleep and anxiety.

In summary

While CBD will not cure polycystic ovary syndrome, as it is an incurable condition, it can help alleviate unpleasant symptoms, making it easier to manage the disorder.

This article is based on the real-life story of one of our colleagues.