CBD for Arthritis

Author: Lucie Garabasova

Cannabis can naturally help with pain relief, improve mobility, and overall enhance quality of life. Which product is best for you?

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a chronic or acute inflammation of the joints, usually accompanied by structural changes and pain. There are many causes of arthritis, including autoimmune conditions, crystal deposits, trauma, or infections. Every type of arthritis is characterized by swelling and pain.

Depending on the affected joint, arthritis can lead to severe or mild impairment.

However, it has been proven that CBD is effective in regulating cells and chemicals that can help control the immune system’s response to injury and subsequent tissue and bone failure.

How do Cannabinoids relieve joint pain?

CBD affects the immune system, which naturally helps with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Studies show that CB2 receptors are found at unusually high levels in the joint tissues of arthritis patients. It has been proven that using CBD fights inflammation in the joints by activating CB2 receptor pathways.

A few tips for joint pain relief with CBD

  • Vaporize

This is the simplest way to use CBD. When vaporizing CBD, it is delivered directly into the bloodstream very quickly. Even well-known athlete NATE DIAZ uses a vaporizer at press conferences after fights and states:
"CBD helps with healing processes and inflammation."


A very effective form of application is using hemp ointments, CBD ointments, or gels. From hemp ointments, we recommend using a hemp ointment for joints and muscles containing comfrey extract. Among hemp gels, we highly recommend CBD gel – warming or cooling, which contains up to 50mg of CBD!


There is nothing more classic than a method people have used for thousands of years. Try CBD drops! Dose according to your individual needs and pain levels – we recommend starting with smaller doses and gradually increasing. Also, remember the golden rule that less is sometimes more!

  • CBD is not just for chronic pain or Arthritis

Once you experience the effects of CBD yourself, you’ll surely fall in love with it! However, remember that you can also use CBD preventively without any issues – after intense physical exertion or training, it is the best natural pain relief and a source of relaxation.

  • Combine

We have confirmed that cannabis has the greatest effect when combined with other hemp dietary supplements. So don’t stick to just one product – try two, such as CBD oil and vaporization, CBD oil and CBD gel, etc.

And remember – everyone is unique, and different things work for different people. Give cannabis time and trust to show you what it can do.