CBD and parenting? How can it help us?
Author: Lucie Garabasova
Parenting is a very intense and beautiful experience, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility and worries. Because of this, parents (most often mothers) on parental leave are often exhausted and suffer from various issues (irritability, insomnia, anxiety, etc.). Sometimes it's just too much for them :-). Let’s take a look at how CBD oil can help overcome the challenges of parenting during parental leave, which await many of us.
What health problems affect parents on parental leave?
- Lack of sleep and fatigue – you will become acquainted with sleep deprivation early in your parenting journey, when you will need to get up frequently during the night to feed and change your baby. It is insomnia that causes fatigue throughout the entire following day and stress.
- Stress and anxiety – you will also encounter this from the early stages of your child's life. Stress and anxiety in parents usually stem from not being sure if they are doing “everything right.” But don’t worry, every parent experiences this.
- Irritability – this is often linked to sleep deprivation, stress, or anxiety. You may raise your voice at your child without them deserving it. Or they may come to you, all excited to play, but you have no energy or mood to do anything with them.
- Back and joint pain – because you are constantly chasing after your child (this is especially true for the little ones) or carrying, lifting, etc., you may soon experience back, joint, or muscle pain.
Unfortunately, all of this is part of parenting, but we’ll show you how CBD can help ease all these struggles.
CBD helps parents sleep better
Yes, it's true. CBD supports the REM sleep phase, and by enhancing this phase, we sleep much better (even if for a slightly shorter time), and the next day we have much more energy to function.
At the same time, you don’t need to worry about not being able to get up at night to care for your baby after using CBD.
For sleep, we recommend using CBD drops specifically for sleep and starting with 2–3 drops about half an hour before bedtime. The dosage can be gradually increased over several days until you notice the desired effect.
Less stress for parents with CBD
We know for sure that CBD helps with stress and anxiety, and it is a natural substance (endogenous to the body). So why haven’t some parents discovered it yet? And why do they continue to struggle with constant stress? Irritability is also related to this, and CBD can help beautifully suppress it.
Try using CBD drops or capsules, and you’ll see that you will feel much better during the day.
Does CBD help parents with sore joints and muscles?
Of course! Pamper your sore body, which truly deserves it, as it endures the huge energy expenditure that parenting undoubtedly involves.
If you have pain in a specific area, we have excellent experiences with CBD patches. If the pain has spread to multiple areas, try the CBD warming gel.
CBD also helps with migraines – if as a parent you are struggling with this type of pain.
Can I use CBD during parenting while breastfeeding?
Cannabinoids such as CBD are naturally present in breast milk, so you can certainly use CBD while breastfeeding. We recommend starting with smaller doses and gradually increasing them, and the same applies during pregnancy.
Does CBD have side effects for parents?
You don’t need to worry, CBD has many therapeutic effects and very few side effects, which in practice occur in only 1% of customers. If they do occur, they are typically symptoms like fatigue, nausea, etc.
Real story: How CBD helped me with stress, exhaustion, and anxiety during parental leave
Now, let us share the story of Mrs. Nikola, who shared her experience with cannabis products during parental leave.
Mrs. Nikola’s story – 46 years old:
From using CBD, I expected overall harmonization and calming. I felt exhausted, and I was struggling with anxiety. Sometimes I snapped at the kids, and I didn’t even know why, and then I felt bad about it. I started using CBD in March 2023, and I’ll describe my first 40 days with CBD.
March 17–19: I used 10% CBD hemp oil (1 drop in the morning and evening) and hemp tea 1–2 times a day.
During these days, I didn’t feel any change, but I slept much better. After consulting with Mr. Čermák, I adjusted the dosage (2 drops of 10% CBD oil 3 times a day, and we added a bit of coconut oil to the hemp tea).
March 20: By the end of the day, I couldn’t believe it. The whole day had been amazing, I was completely calm for the first time in a long while, I wasn’t as exhausted or sad, and I slept wonderfully at night.
March 21: Huge improvement, I’m happy, I didn’t believe I would ever feel cheerful again. I am really calm, it’s been a long time since we’ve felt this good.
March 22: I am even more excited, I can handle stressful situations much better, much calmer.
March 23: I haven’t raised my voice at the kids at all, even though I was tired in the evening, and they were sometimes upset.
Day 9 of use:
March 25: Everything is more in harmony, quality sleep, I am more patient.
Day 14 of use:
March 30: I still feel great, it’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way. I regret not using CBD earlier, it would have spared both me and my kids from my mood swings.
Day 18 of use:
April 3: I continue with the same dosage. I won’t repeat myself. We feel wonderful.
After another consultation with Mr. Čermák, we adjusted the dosage again. He recommended CBD oil in fish oil: 1 teaspoon in the morning, 2 drops of 10% CBD oil at noon and in the evening, and one cup of tea once a day.
Day 22 of use: Everything is working excellently, everything is fine.
Day 25 of use: April 10: I feel very good, I feel light and calm, not nervous. The kids are happy.
Day 30 of use:
April 20: Unexpected twist... I had similar mood swings as at the beginning, I was incredibly nervous, then I realized there was a strong new moon. The kids were incredibly naughty and upset, just like me. After consulting with Mr. Čermák, I increased my dosage until it improved again…
1 teaspoon of CBD oil in fish oil, 4 drops in the morning and evening of 10% CBD oil, 2 cups of tea daily.
Improvement after two days. I am still continuing with the increased dosage. I still feel like we need it.
Day 40 of use:
April 25: We’re feeling good again, we are calmer, and we’re sleeping even better.
April 30: I return to the original dosage: 1 teaspoon of CBD oil in fish oil, 2 drops of 10% CBD oil in the morning and evening, 1 cup of tea once a day.
Everything is sunny again, we feel great once more.
Since then, we have continued with the same regimen. If I feel a challenging day ahead, I occasionally take more drops of 10% CBD oil. Then I return to the original dosage. It works wonderfully for me.
I’ve tried CBD on my kids (10% CBD oil and CBD oil in fish oil), my daughter is still breastfeeding, and even so, she used CBD without any problems, and her sleep improved (she woke up less often), and she was calmer.
I’m very grateful for your products, I’m not afraid to say that you saved my life. I was afraid that even though I tried, I would be the worst mom under the sun... And now, thanks to this, I can be a cheerful and calm mom for my kids.