Understanding Bioavailability of CBD

Author: Eva Keller

When exploring CBD products, you often encounter the term "increases bioavailability"—but what exactly does that mean? What is bioavailability, and why is it so crucial when using CBD products?

What Is Bioavailability?

Bioavailability refers to the degree and extent to which a substance is absorbed into the bloodstream and becomes available at the site of physiological activity after administration. This definition, provided by the American Heritage Medical Dictionary, highlights the importance of how substances like CBD are absorbed by the body.

Bioavailability in a Nutshell

Simply put, bioavailability is the measure of how much and how quickly CBD is absorbed into your bloodstream. The method of consuming CBD significantly affects its absorption and distribution throughout the body. This is a critical concept that every consumer should understand to choose the right products for their needs.


Different Methods of CBD Administration

CBD products can be administered in various ways: inhalation, oral ingestion, sublingual application, topical application, or vaporization. Each method impacts how quickly CBD is absorbed and how much of it is available for use by the body.

Edibles: Fun But Limited Absorption

CBD-infused gummies, candies, and chocolates are popular ways to consume CBD. However, the bioavailability of these edibles is generally low—about 20%. This means that if you consume 50mg of CBD in the form of gummies, you may only absorb approximately 10mg.

Sublingual Tinctures: A Direct Path to the Bloodstream

CBD oil tinctures are commonly used sublingually, meaning they are held under the tongue for about sixty seconds before swallowing. This method enhances the bioavailability of CBD because the glands under the tongue absorb it directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. As a result, CBD enters the bloodstream quickly and efficiently.

The Role of Fat in CBD Absorption

CBD's bioavailability can be significantly increased when consumed with fat. Hemp oil is commonly used as a carrier for CBD, but coconut oil is even more effective. Coconut oil, with over 80% saturated fat, is considered an "almost perfect carrier" for CBD. These fatty acids create a strong binding factor for cannabinoids, enhancing their absorption into the bloodstream and increasing their effectiveness by up to three times.

Inhalation: Fast and Effective

Inhaling CBD, whether through vaporization of herbs or liquids, offers one of the most effective rates of bioavailability. When inhaled, CBD is immediately absorbed by the lungs and enters the bloodstream quickly, making it a fast-acting method. However, vaporization is not for everyone, and some may prefer alternative methods.


Choosing the Right CBD Product

Understanding bioavailability helps consumers make informed decisions about which CBD products to use. For those who want a fun and easy way to consume CBD, edibles like gummies or chocolates are ideal. If speed and cost-effectiveness are more important, sublingual oil tinctures or vaporized products might be the best choice. Retailers can also benefit from this knowledge by offering a variety of CBD products to meet diverse customer demands.