The Ultimate Guide to CBD Dosage: Finding the Right Amount for You

Author: Ondrej Stovicek

Understanding CBD and Its Benefits

Cannabidiol (CBD) is available in various forms, including oils, capsules, and creams. The ideal dosage varies depending on the form and method of use. Determining the correct CBD dosage is a common question for many users. Since CBD use is highly individual, it often requires trying multiple options to find the perfect dose. This practical guide is designed to help you choose the appropriate dosage tailored to your needs.

CBD, a potent compound in the hemp plant, is known for its therapeutic benefits and non-psychoactive properties.

What Is an Effective Dose of CBD?

CBD generally has very low toxicity, meaning it isn't harmful even in higher doses. However, each person has a unique endocannabinoid system, so reactions to CBD can vary. Numerous scientific studies have explored the effective dose of CBD, revealing the following findings:

Clinical Studies on CBD Dosing

  • In clinical studies, researchers used various oral (administered by mouth) doses of CBD ranging from 100-800 mg per day.
  • Some studies used even higher doses. One particular study noted an improvement in psychosis with a daily intake of 1200 mg of CBD over several weeks.
  • Another study on individuals with schizophrenia reported benefits with doses ranging from 40-1280 mg of CBD per day over four weeks.
  • In a study examining the effects of CBD on people with Parkinson's disease and psychosis, six participants showed significant symptom improvement with a daily dose of 150 mg of CBD.
  • For Epidiolex, the only FDA-approved CBD medication used for specific types of epilepsy, the dosage is set at 10 mg per kilogram of body weight per day.

Summary of CBD Dosage for Various Conditions

The following table summarizes different studies, highlighting the method of administration and dosage of CBD used to determine its therapeutic effects on various conditions:

Health Condition Dose/Day Method of Administration
Epilepsy 10 mg per kg of body weight Orally
Anxiety 300 - 600 mg Orally
Bowel Disease 5 mg - 2x daily Sublingually (under the tongue)
Type 2 Diabetes 100 mg - 2x daily Orally
Pain 50 - 600 mg Orally
Parkinson's Disease 75 - 300 mg Orally
Huntington's Disease Up to 12 sprays of nasal spray Nasally

Less Is Sometimes More with CBD Dosage

The ideal CBD dosage depends on various factors, including age, gender, weight, current health status, metabolism, and the specific health issue being treated. Since everyone is unique, each individual must determine their dosage. Some may find relief with a small amount of CBD, while others may require a higher dose to experience the same effects.

If you're new to CBD, start with small doses, such as 2 drops of 5% CBD oil twice a day. Gradually increase the dosage based on your condition. CBD may take time to start working, with initial results typically appearing within two weeks of use.

Remember the simple rule: always start with small doses and gradually increase. Once you feel better with a particular CBD product, you've likely found your ideal dosage. Stay at this dose for a while, and over a few months, you can gradually reduce it.

CBD Dosage for Various Indications

Published studies have demonstrated the therapeutic effects of CBD for the following conditions. While the dosage varies for each, a general guideline suggests that less severe conditions may require a daily dose of 10-100 mg of CBD, while more severe conditions may need 100-500 mg of CBD daily. Individual cases may require higher doses.

  • Anxiety
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Migraines
  • Menopause
  • Weight Loss
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Depression
  • Sleep Disorders

Additional Indications from the World Health Organization (WHO)

According to a WHO report, research suggests that CBD may also have therapeutic benefits for the following conditions:

  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Huntington's Disease
  • Hypoxia-Ischemic Injury
  • Pain
  • Psychosis
  • Nausea
  • Inflammatory Diseases
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Infections
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Diabetic Complications

Factors That May Affect CBD Dosage

Several factors can influence CBD dosage, and it's crucial to understand that everyone may need a different dosage.

  • Some people require high doses to control epilepsy, while smaller doses may be effective for anxiety.
  • Weight is another factor; individuals who weigh less should take lower doses than those who weigh more.
  • Alcohol and other central nervous system depressants can increase the sedative effect of CBD. People using other medications that may cause drowsiness should avoid or reduce CBD dosage.
  • The method of administration also significantly affects the efficacy of CBD.

Possible Side Effects of CBD

Safety data on CBD is limited. However, the available data points to potential risks that individuals need to consider before taking CBD for any reason.

Some observed side effects of CBD include:

  • Drowsiness or changes in alertness
  • Digestive issues, such as diarrhea and decreased appetite
  • Mood changes, such as irritability and agitation

For more information, read the full article on the side effects of CBD.


Several factors determine the appropriate CBD dosage, which we have outlined for you. Before using CBD, it's essential to consider these factors and answer individual questions. Alternatively, you can easily calculate your dosage using a CBD dosage calculator. Remember, product quality plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of CBD in your body—only a quality product will do the job well! The same applies to CBG products, especially CBG oils. Learn more about the effects of CBG and how to dose it correctly.

Sources - Selected Scientific Studies on CBD Dosage: