The Role of CBD in Treatment of Osteoarthritis

Author: Lucie Garabášová

What is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that affects the cartilage and can lead to pain, limited movement, and decreased joint function. It involves the gradual loss and damage of cartilage, leading to the exposure of bones. This can cause pain, stiffness, inflammation, and restricted mobility of the affected joint.

Causes of Osteoarthritis can include genetics, aging (especially in seniors), excessive joint strain, or injury.

Osteoarthritis is classified into different stages of severity:

  • Stage 1 Osteoarthritis: Mild narrowing of the joint space and small marginal osteophytes.
  • Stage 2 Osteoarthritis: Clear narrowing of the joint space, noticeable joint surface irregularities, and multiple osteophytes.
  • Stage 3 Osteoarthritis: Significant joint space narrowing, large and numerous osteophytes, uneven joint surface, and beginning joint deformity.
  • Stage 4 Osteoarthritis: Joint space is completely gone, with large osteophytes and advanced joint deformity.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Common symptoms of osteoarthritis include:

  • Joint pain (during physical activity and at rest)
  • Stiffness
  • Limited mobility
  • Joint creaking
  • Swelling

Osteoarthritis frequently occurs in the following areas:

  • Knee Osteoarthritis: Affects about 20-30% of individuals over 65 years old. It involves pain, restricted mobility, and decreased quality of life.
  • Hip Osteoarthritis: Affects approximately 10-15% of the population over 65 in the Czech Republic, causing pain and stiffness.
  • Spinal Osteoarthritis: Common in the cervical and lumbar regions, affecting 50-80% of people over 50 years old, leading to pain and limited movement.
  • Hand and Finger Osteoarthritis: Affects around 10-15% of people over 50, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced hand function.
  • Shoulder Osteoarthritis: Affects about 1-5% of the population, especially older adults, with pain during shoulder movement and limited mobility.

Treatment of Osteoarthritis

Treatment for osteoarthritis includes a combination of methods aimed at reducing pain, improving mobility, and slowing disease progression:

  • Lifestyle Changes: Include adjusting physical activity and weight management. Opt for low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, or walking. Maintain a healthy weight to avoid additional joint stress.
  • Physical Therapy: A physical therapist can prescribe exercises and therapeutic procedures to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and support joint stability.
  • Pain and Inflammation Medications: Over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen or NSAIDs can alleviate pain and inflammation. In some cases, a doctor might prescribe stronger medications or corticosteroid injections directly into the joint.
  • Assistive Devices: Using braces, bandages, or crutches can ease joint strain and provide support.
  • Alternative Therapies: Some people seek relief through alternative therapies like acupuncture, massage, hydrotherapy, or herbs (such as CBD oil).

In advanced cases, where symptoms severely impact quality of life, surgical options like arthroscopy (joint cleaning) or joint replacement may be considered.

Since each case of osteoarthritis is unique, it's crucial to consult with a doctor or joint specialist for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Slowing Down Osteoarthritis

While it is not possible to completely stop osteoarthritis, you can significantly slow its progression and improve quality of life by:

  • Adhering to a healthy lifestyle
  • Regular physical activity
  • Physical therapy
  • Using analgesics (for pain relief)
  • Considering surgical options
  • Exploring alternative treatments (such as CBD and other herbs)

Herbs for Osteoarthritis Relief

Several herbs are traditionally used as complementary therapies to alleviate osteoarthritis symptoms. However, effectiveness and safety can vary, and these should not replace medical consultation.

Useful herbs for osteoarthritis include:

  • Boswellia (Frankincense): Contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may reduce pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.
  • Turmeric: Contains curcumin, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate joint pain and inflammation.
  • Ginger: Also has anti-inflammatory effects and may aid in reducing joint pain related to osteoarthritis.
  • Spruce: Spruce ointment contains essential oils that can provide temporary relief from pain and improve blood flow.
  • Devil's Claw: Contains compounds with anti-inflammatory effects and can be used to alleviate joint pain and inflammation.
  • Harpagophyte (Devil’s Claw): Used as a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory in osteoarthritis treatment.

How Does CBD Affect Osteoarthritis?

CBD works primarily by reducing inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis:

  • Anti-Inflammatory Effects: CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation in the joints associated with osteoarthritis.
  • Analgesic Effects: CBD helps decrease pain by affecting receptors in the body that reduce pain perception.
  • Reduces Muscle Tension: CBD can lower muscle tension and cramps around the affected joint.
  • Protects Joint Cartilage: Studies suggest that CBD may have a protective effect on joint cartilage, reducing damage and supporting regeneration. For example, a 2016 study in the European Journal of Pain mentioned cartilage protection.

How to Use CBD for Osteoarthritis

Various forms of CBD can be used for osteoarthritis:

Dosage is highly individual. Start with recommended doses and adjust according to your needs. For guidance, consult a cannabis counselor.

Osteoarthritis vs. Arthritis

Osteoarthritis: A degenerative joint disease associated with the gradual wear and tear of cartilage, also known as osteoarthritis.

Arthritis: An inflammatory joint disease with various forms, including rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis, and psoriatic arthritis. It is caused by the immune system attacking the joints, leading to inflammation, swelling, pain, and joint tissue damage. Arthritis can affect people of all ages, including children, and may have broader health impacts.

The key difference is that osteoarthritis is degenerative and linked to cartilage wear, while arthritis is inflammatory and involves immune system attacks on joint tissue. Both conditions can cause joint pain and limited mobility but have different natures and treatment approaches.

Osteoarthritis also affects animals. Check how CBD impacts osteoarthritis in dogs.