The Health Benefits of Hemp Tea: 7 Reasons to Start Drinking It Today

Author: Ondrej Stovicek

Hemp tea is one of the healthiest beverages available, packed with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants. People use hemp tea to alleviate various health issues, from morning sickness to stress. Recent research has shed more light on how hemp tea benefits our health. Here are 7 wonderful reasons to drink hemp tea:

1. Hemp Tea Helps with Chronic Pain

Hemp tea is an ideal remedy for pain. This is one of the primary reasons people prefer it. The active ingredients are absorbed via the digestive tract and liver, with effects starting 30-90 minutes after consumption and lasting about 4-8 hours. This makes it particularly beneficial for people with chronic conditions like cancer, AIDS, MS, or rheumatoid arthritis, who seek long-lasting pain relief.

BONUS TIP: For maximum absorption of cannabinoids, try drinking hemp tea on an empty stomach.

2. Relief from Anxiety and Depression

Hemp tea can help with anxiety and depression, which are common psychological issues affecting millions globally. Hemp contains substances that protect nerves and play a crucial role in regulating emotional behavior. Its antioxidants repair cells and protect DNA from damage, while its anti-inflammatory effects counteract brain swelling—a major cause of depression and anxiety. Drinking hemp tea not only provides therapeutic effects but also improves mental health.


3. Improvement of Lung Function

Hemp supports lung function instead of restricting it. Unlike tobacco, hemp expands the alveoli, reducing airway resistance and promoting airflow. Hemp tea offers a smoke-free alternative for those who want to benefit from hemp without smoking, making it ideal for people with breathing difficulties.

4. Heart Health Support

Hemp tea can support heart health. Cannabinoids in hemp reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation. The active ingredients open blood vessels by releasing and expanding them, which is crucial in preventing heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases. Drinking hemp tea slows the onset of hemp effects, resulting in milder and more manageable impacts on the body.

5. Relieving the Symptoms of Nausea

Hemp tea helps relieve nausea and promotes a healthy appetite. This is especially beneficial for those undergoing chemotherapy, as it prevents unwanted weight loss. The active ingredient THC in hemp promotes appetite and alleviates nausea without irritating the stomach.

6. Relief of Digestive Problems

Hemp supports digestive health. For those with gastrointestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome or Crohn's disease, hemp tea can alleviate symptoms such as seizures, diarrhea, or constipation. Hemp binds to cannabinoid receptors in the digestive tract, stimulating muscle spasms, pain relief, and bowel movements. Drinking hemp tea is a gentle way to relieve digestive issues.

7. Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease

Hemp tea may help prevent Alzheimer's disease. Preclinical studies have shown that small doses of THC slow down the production of beta-amyloid proteins, which are linked to Alzheimer's. Cannabinoids act as protective agents for nerve fibers, a key factor in preventing Alzheimer's.


Before trying hemp tea, always consult your doctor, especially if you are taking prescribed medications.

Start incorporating hemp tea into your routine and experience its numerous health benefits.