Study of Autism Treatment with Hemp

Author: Eva Kellerova


The incidence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has been increasing dramatically worldwide. Recently, anecdotal evidence has suggested the possible therapeutic effects of hemp products. This study aims to characterize the epidemiology of ASD patients receiving medical hemp treatment and to describe its safety and efficacy. Data from 188 ASD patients treated with medical hemp between 2015 and 2017 were analyzed as part of this treatment program.

Treatment and Methodology

The majority of patients were treated with hemp oil containing 30% CBD and 1.5% THC. Primary outcomes of interest included symptoms inventory, patient global assessment, and side effects at six months, which were assessed using structured questionnaires.

Results After Six Months

After six months of treatment:

  • 82.4% of patients (155) were still in active treatment.
  • 60.0% (93) had been assessed.
  • 30.1% (28) reported significant improvement.
  • 53.7% (50) reported moderate improvement.
  • 6.4% (6) reported slight improvement.
  • 8.6% (8) had no change in their condition.

Side effects were reported by 25.2% (23) of patients, with restlessness being the most common (6.6%).

Study Details

Patient Demographics

During the study period, 188 ASD patients initiated the treatment:

  • The mean age was 12.9 ± 7.0 years.
  • 7.4% of patients were younger than 5 years old.
  • 37.2% were between 6 to 10 years old.
  • 38.2% were aged 11 to 18 years.
  • Most patients were male (81.9%).
  • 14.4% of patients had epilepsy, and 3.7% had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Treatment Regimen

Most patients consumed oil with 30% CBD and 1.5% THC, averaging 79.5 ± 61.5 mg CBD and 4.0 ± 3.0 mg THC, three times a day. Insomnia in 24.4% of patients was treated with an evening dose of 3% THC oil, adding an average of 5.0 ± 4.5 mg THC daily. The hemp dose was not significantly associated with weight, age, or gender.

Results After One Month

After one month of treatment:

  • 4.2% of patients (8) stopped treatment.
  • 0.5% (1) switched to a different hemp supplier.
  • 94.6% (179) continued active treatment.

Of the active treatment group:

  • 66.4% (119) responded to the questionnaire.
  • 48.7% (58) reported significant improvement.
  • 31.1% (37) reported moderate improvement.
  • 5.9% (7) experienced side effects.
  • 14.3% (17) reported no benefit from the treatment.

Reported side effects at one month included sleepiness, bad taste and smell of the oil, restlessness, reflux, and lack of appetite, each affecting a small percentage of patients.

Quality of Life and Behavioral Improvements

Improvements at Six Months

  • Quality of Life: Reported as good by 66.8% of patients, up from 31.3% before treatment.
  • Mood: Improved from 42% to 63.5%.
  • Independence in Activities: Ability to dress and shower independently increased from 26.4% to 42.9%.
  • Sleep and Concentration: Improved sleep was reported by 24.7% and better concentration by 14.0%, up from 3.3% and 0.0%, respectively.

Symptom Improvements

  • Seizures: Improved or disappeared in 84.6% of patients.
  • Restlessness and Rage Attacks: Improved in 91.0% and 90.3% of patients, respectively.

Medication Use

  • 56.9% of patients were using antipsychotics at intake.
  • 26.0% used antiepileptics.
  • 14.9% used hypnotics and sedatives.
  • 10.6% used antidepressants.

Among 93 patients responding to the follow-up questionnaire:

  • 8.9% reported an increase in drug consumption.
  • 56.7% reported no change.
  • 34.3% reported a decrease in medication use.

Side Effects

Common side effects reported at six months included restlessness, sleepiness, psychoactive effects, increased appetite, digestion problems, dry mouth, and lack of appetite. Of the patients who discontinued treatment, 41.2% expressed an intention to return to it.


Hemp appears to be a well-tolerated, safe, and effective option for relieving symptoms associated with ASD, including seizures, tics, depression, restlessness, and rage attacks. Compliance with the treatment regimen was high, with more than 80% of parents reporting significant or moderate improvement in their child's condition.

Study Outcomes

For safety analysis, side effects were monitored, including physiological and cognitive effects. For efficacy analysis, a global assessment approach was used, rating the general effect of hemp on the child's condition. Quality of life and symptom severity were assessed on a Likert scale.


The study was approved by the Soroka University Medical Center ethics committee (study number: SCRC-0415-15), and informed consent was waived due to the retrospective nature of the data analysis.

Data Availability

The dataset created and/or analyzed during this study is not publicly available due to medical confidentiality but is available from the first author upon reasonable request and IRB approval.


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