MMA Fighter Dusan Pala Embraces Hemp: From Proteins to CBD Coffee

Author: Ondrej Stovicek

Dusan Pala, a seasoned MMA fighter and trainer, is an avid user of hemp products. From CBD vaping and oils to hemp seeds, Dusan has explored a wide array of hemp-based offerings. Recently, he made the switch from whey proteins to plant-based hemp proteins in his training regimen. Here, he shares his experience and insights.

Why Switch to Hemp Proteins?

Dusan's Decision to Change

Dusan has relied on whey proteins since he began training in martial arts 15 years ago. After discovering hemp proteins through Cannadorra, he decided to transition to them. "I didn't dislike whey proteins, but hemp products have become a part of my daily life. They suit me well, especially for recovery, so switching to hemp proteins was a logical step," he explains.

The Benefits of Hemp Proteins

What Dusan Values Most

"I appreciate the absorption and the comprehensive nutritional profile of hemp proteins. They provide everything I need, including vitamins and amino acids, eliminating the need for multiple supplements," says Dusan.


Surprising Elements

Initially, Dusan struggled with the taste and solubility of hemp protein. "The taste was unusual, and the protein doesn't fully dissolve, leaving a residue. After consulting with Pavel from Cannadorra's hemp counselling, I understood this was normal and began to enjoy the unique qualities of hemp protein," he shares.

Overcoming Taste Challenges

Adjusting to the Taste

Dusan acknowledges that many athletes might be put off by the taste of hemp protein compared to whey. "Initially, it might not taste like a strawberry shake from McDonald's, but after incorporating hemp products into my daily routine, I adjusted. Now, I find the taste quite enjoyable, especially with fruit combinations," he says.

Favorite Combinations

"My go-to mix includes strawberries, peaches, and melons. Over time, I developed recipes that make the protein enjoyable. Now, I look forward to my post-training protein shake," Dusan enthuses.

Preferred Protein and Recipes

Favorite Protein

Dusan prefers classic BIO hemp protein without any added flavor. "I mix it with fruits to create the taste I want," he explains.

Go-To Recipe

"For me, canned peaches are a sweet and delicious addition. Fresh strawberries from the garden are also a great choice," Dusan recommends.

Trying CBD Coffee

First Impressions

Dusan recently tried Cannadorra's CBD coffee and became an instant fan. "As a coffee lover, I found it exceptional. My only complaint is the small package size—I could easily consume two kilograms of this coffee," he jokes. "It's really great and tasty. I highly recommend it."

Incorporating Hemp into Daily Life

A Day in the Life with Hemp

"Hemp is a daily companion for me. My routine includes muesli with milk and a teaspoon of hemp seeds in the morning, five drops of CBD x CBG oil, CBD coffee, vaping with a pen during the afternoon, a coffee boost before training, hemp protein post-training, and sometimes hemp tea before bed," Dusan describes.



Dusan Pala's journey with hemp products showcases their versatility and benefits, from enhancing athletic performance to providing everyday wellness support. Whether you're an athlete or someone looking to improve your health, hemp products like proteins and CBD coffee offer a natural and effective solution.

Product Recommendations

  • Hemp Fitness Gainer 1kg: A high-quality carbohydrate-protein drink for athletes.
  • Hemp Fitness Gainer 500g: A smaller, convenient version of the carbohydrate-protein drink.

For more information and to explore hemp products, visit Cannadorra's website.