Is CBD Safe During Pregnancy? Benefits and Insights for Expectant Mothers

Author: Lucie Garabášová

Pregnancy is one of the most remarkable experiences in a woman's life. Suddenly, it's not just about you anymore, but also about the little one you carry under your heart. This realization often leads to healthier eating habits, appropriate supplements, and an overall better lifestyle. Unfortunately, pregnancy can also bring unpleasant symptoms for some women. CBD drops can be a natural remedy for these symptoms during pregnancy. But is it safe for you and your baby? Many studies suggest that it is.

The Experience of Pregnancy

Every woman experiences pregnancy differently. For some, it's a wonderful time filled with care and attention from their surroundings. For others, it can be quite challenging, with symptoms like nausea, migraines, anxiety, and even depression. Did you know that CBD hemp can help with these issues?

The Natural Benefit of CBD

The best part about CBD is that it is a natural dietary supplement with virtually no side effects, making it safe for both mother and baby.


Safety of Hemp for Expectant Mothers

Understanding CBD Hemp

When we talk about hemp for expectant mothers, we refer to hemp without psychoactive effects—specifically, CBD hemp. Studies have shown that CBD positively impacts various conditions, including depression, stress, and anxiety disorders. Unlike THC, CBD does not have psychoactive effects, making it suitable for children and pets as well.

Social Stigma

Pregnancy is a vulnerable time for mothers-to-be. While some people believe that using CBD during pregnancy is risky, those who have tried it often report significant relief from pain, anxiety, and depression. Many also feel that CBD carries fewer risks than most prescription drugs.

Scientific Insights into CBD Safety During Pregnancy

Expert Opinions

Dr. Stuart Titus, a leading scientist and president of Medical Marijuana, Inc., explains that understanding the safety of CBD requires a closer look at the endocannabinoid system and its response to external cannabinoids. Titus states that most people, including pregnant women, are deficient in cannabinoids, which can lead to serious health issues. A diet rich in cannabinoids could benefit both the mother and the unborn child.


Studies show that THC's psychoactive nature can interfere with the endocannabinoid system, potentially leading to brain defects in unborn children. Therefore, THC use during pregnancy is not recommended. In contrast, CBD works differently by stimulating the body's natural cannabinoids without binding to receptors, avoiding psychoactive effects.

Benefits of CBD for Expectant Mothers

Easing Contractions

A 2010 study showed that CBD could ease contractions, similar to oxytocin antagonizing drugs used to reduce premature contractions.

Reducing Nausea and Vomiting

Clinical studies have demonstrated that CBD significantly reduces nausea and vomiting, common symptoms in pregnant women.

Combating Anxiety and Pain

CBD is known for its anxiolytic and analgesic properties, helping pregnant women manage anxiety and pain during pregnancy.


How to Use CBD During Pregnancy

Recommended Forms

The best and safest way to take CBD is through CBD oil with a dropper. Hemp tea is also a good option. Pregnant women with sore muscles can use CBD gels for relief.

Product Options

Personal Experience with CBD During Pregnancy

My name is Lucie Garabášová, the author of this article and a regular user of CBD hemp. During my pregnancy, I experienced anxiety, migraines, and poor sleep. Around the third month, I started taking CBD hemp tea every night, which significantly improved my sleep until my eighth month. I also used a drop of CBD oil daily as a preventative measure.

My CBD Journey

Thankfully, my pregnancy was uneventful, and today, my daughter is two years old. I continued using cannabis throughout motherhood, administering small doses to support her immunity from the age of six months.

CBD and Breastfeeding

Did you know that cannabinoids naturally occur in breast milk? If you're worried about using CBD during breastfeeding, rest assured it's safe. We'll discuss CBD's safety for children in a future article.

A Family Affair

Today, our entire family uses hemp products.


The information on this site is based on studies, research, and user experiences. Always consult a healthcare professional before consuming CBD, especially in the case of medical conditions. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. Consult a qualified physician about any interactions or complications before using our products.
