How CBD Hemp Oil Transformed Roman’s Life: A Mother’s Journey with Hemp Therapy

Author: Eva Keller

Discovering a Life-Changing Solution

Roman is a 21-year-old boy with severe disabilities whose life, along with that of his family, has been profoundly transformed by the use of CBD hemp oil. We had the privilege of speaking with Roman’s mother, who graciously shared their story of hope, challenges, and the remarkable effects of CBD on her son.

The Diagnosis and Early Struggles

How did you first learn about Roman’s condition, and what were the early challenges?

Roman was diagnosed with severe mental retardation and epilepsy during his childhood. Despite his condition, we managed to care for him until he turned 18, when he began to exhibit severe aggression and anger. Initially, we sought help from a psychiatrist who prescribed synthetic medications. While these drugs reduced his aggression, they had severe side effects—Roman became unresponsive, constantly sleepy, and even started experiencing incontinence, which he had never done before. This situation left us feeling hopeless. That’s when we decided to stop the synthetic drugs and look for alternative treatments.


Transitioning to CBD Hemp Oil

What did Roman use before CBD, and how did you find out about it?

Before switching to CBD, Roman was on synthetic medications, but due to the severe side effects, my husband and I decided to stop them. We informed the psychiatrist of our decision and began using Bach’s drops to manage his anger. Although these helped somewhat, the aggression persisted. I discovered CBD hemp oil through a social media group for parents of autistic children, where many mothers praised its benefits. I thought if CBD could help autistic children, it might also help Roman. After researching online, I found Cannadorra’s e-shop and consulted with their advisor, Mr. Pavel Čermák, who guided me on the right product and dosage.

First Impressions of Hemp Products

What was your initial opinion of hemp products before trying them with Roman?

A year ago, I had no knowledge of hemp products. Now, I’m incredibly grateful to have discovered them. The improvement in Roman’s aggression and overall mood has been significant, and I wholeheartedly recommend CBD to others.

Starting the CBD Journey

How did you begin using the products, and what were the initial days like?

After consulting with Cannadorra, we started with 10% CBD oil, giving Roman three drops three times a day. Initially, he responded with hyperactivity—repeating words and appearing tense. We adjusted the dosage and eventually found the right balance with four drops in the morning and three in the evening. Additionally, we began adding a spoonful of hemp seed oil, combined with fish oil, to his diet. I’m pleased to say that Roman’s immunity has strengthened significantly—when the flu recently hit our family, my husband and I fell ill, but Roman remained completely healthy.

Seeing the First Signs of Improvement

When did you first notice a change in Roman?

We saw the first signs of improvement after about four weeks of consistent use of CBD hemp oil. A complete disappearance of anger and aggression occurred around the six-week mark, once we had stabilized the dosage. Now, after six months of using CBD, the change in Roman is remarkable. He is kind, talkative, and his vocabulary is expanding. He’s more relaxed, happier, and even his sleep has improved—he falls asleep easily and sleeps through the night. His epileptic seizures have also ceased. The aggression is gone, and the most heartwarming moment came when, after three years, he said, “Mommy, kiss.” Seeing your child satisfied and happy is the greatest gift.


A Message to Other Parents

What would you say to parents who are considering CBD hemp oil but haven’t tried it yet?

To all the parents of our wonderful and precious children, I would say never give up hope. Try CBD hemp oil without fear—while we are all unique, and it may work differently for everyone, Roman’s transformation has been incredible. It’s worth giving it a try.

A Grateful Thank You

We are deeply grateful to Roman’s mother for sharing this touching story. We are overjoyed to see Roman’s progress and wish him all the best on his journey. As a token of our appreciation, we are sending Roman a complimentary hemp care package.