Effective Treatments for Herpes: Exploring CBD's Benefits

Author: Lucie Garabas

Understanding Herpes

Herpes, also known as cold sores, is a chronic infectious disease caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). It manifests as painful red blisters, typically appearing on the lips, but can also affect the nose, throat, and even the genitals. The incubation period ranges from 2 to 14 days. Some individuals may also experience herpes during pregnancy.

Symptoms of Herpes

The primary symptom of herpes is an accumulation of small white blisters that cause itching, mild tingling, or pain. Additional symptoms can include headache, body weakness, and fever.

Causes of Herpes

Herpes is highly contagious and can be transmitted through kissing, saliva, or sharing contaminated household items like lip balm, towels, and utensils. The virus tends to reactivate when the immune system is weakened, leading to recurring outbreaks.

Common triggers for herpes outbreaks include:

  • Illnesses (endocrine, viral, bacterial)
  • Hypothermia
  • Stress
  • Metabolic disorders

How CBD Helps Treat Herpes

Yes, CBD can be effective in treating herpes. Products containing CBD have anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce inflammation and shorten the duration of the illness. CBD is also a potent antiviral agent, alleviating pain and other negative effects associated with herpes.


Internal Use of CBD for Herpes

CBD can be taken internally via drops, capsules, or hemp tea. Drops and capsules are the most effective forms, containing the highest concentration of CBD.

The ideal dosage varies for each individual. Adults typically start with 2-3 drops twice a day. If the desired effect is not achieved within four days, the dosage can be increased, or further guidance can be sought.

External Use of CBD for Herpes

Applying CBD directly to the sore spot promotes healing. Options include:

  • CBD Oil: Apply at least three times a day.
  • CBD Spray: Suitable for throat herpes, but not recommended for genital herpes.
  • Hemp Ointment or CBD Coconut Oil: These are easy to apply and highly effective.

Recommended CBD Products

  • CBD Capsules: 100 pieces (*1000 mg CBD)
  • CBD Coconut Oil: 170ml
  • Hemp Ointment with Marigold: Beneficial for skin healing.

Types of Herpes and Their Treatment

Herpes on the Lips

The most common form, characterized by itching and blister formation. It typically resolves within a week to 10 days.

Herpes in the Mouth and Throat

Similar to aphthae but usually accompanied by fever and sore throat. Swelling of the cervical nodes is common, and symptoms typically resolve within two weeks.

Tongue Herpes

Similar symptoms to mouth and throat herpes. CBD spray can be used for treatment.

Genital Herpes

Causes burning, itching, and redness in the genital area, rectum, or inner thighs. Painful sores form, and symptoms can include fatigue, malaise, fever, and swollen nodes.

Herpes During Pregnancy

If herpes occurs in early pregnancy, it poses a slight risk to the baby’s health. Genital herpes can also complicate childbirth, often leading to a recommendation for caesarean delivery.

Additional Remedies for Herpes

Antiviral Medications

Besides CBD, antiviral medicines are available in tablet or ointment form. If a sore persists for more than two weeks, consult a doctor.

Herbal Teas and Poultices

  • Herbal Teas: Chamomile, sage, thyme, or lavender can aid recovery.
  • Ice or Garlic Cloves: Apply to sore spots to counteract viruses.
  • Hyssop Poultice: Infuse dried hyssop with boiling water, soak a cloth in the infusion, and apply to the affected area.
  • Fenugreek and Flax Seed Poultice: Mix fenugreek root and flax seed with boiling water, strain, and apply to itchy areas.

What is Herpes Zoster?

Herpes zoster, or shingles, is a painful viral disease caused by the same virus as chickenpox. Symptoms include painful skin problems and a variety of complications if untreated. Antiviral medications, including CBD, can alleviate symptoms, and in some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed.

By following these treatments and utilizing CBD products, managing herpes symptoms can become more effective, leading to quicker relief and improved quality of life.