CBD Results in Treating Psychosis

Author: Ondrej Stovicek

A new double-blind study suggests that cannabidiol (CBD) shows promising results in treating patients with psychosis.

CBD Treats Paranoia and Hallucinations

A study published in the American Journal of Psychiatry presented the results of an experiment involving 88 people with psychosis. Participants were divided into two groups: one received CBD, and the other received a placebo.

Six weeks later, the group receiving CBD showed a significant reduction in symptoms associated with psychosis, including delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations. Additionally, patients exhibited improved cognitive performance and increased overall functionality, though these improvements were modest.

Potential of CBD as an Alternative Treatment

Dr. Philip McGuire, the lead author of the study and a professor of psychiatry and cognitive neuroscience at King's College, London, suggests that cannabidiol could potentially replace some modern neuroleptics for certain patients.

“Because CBD is a relatively new drug, clinicians may be cautious in using it. This is why we initiated the CBD study as a supplement to traditional treatment. However, if CBD proves effective as a monotherapy, it could be useful for patients whose neuroleptic treatments were not effective," said Dr. McGuire.


Understanding Psychosis and CBD

Psychosis is a severe mental disorder affecting approximately one in 13 people during their lifetime. Individuals with psychosis often experience mental and emotional disturbances, paranoia, and a sense of disconnection from reality. Psychosis can also result from alcohol or drug abuse.

Schizophrenia is one of the most common forms of psychosis, affecting more than 21 million people worldwide. Bipolar disorder is another prevalent form of psychosis, affecting nearly six million adults in the US alone.

The Role of CBD in Antipsychotic Treatment

The study highlights that cannabidiol has demonstrated antipsychotic properties in both animal and human studies. Researchers aimed to establish the "safety and efficacy" of using CBD to treat patients with psychosis in this recent study.

CBD vs. THC: Key Differences

The relationship between hemp and the development of schizophrenia has been debated, primarily due to the differences between CBD and THC. THC causes psychoactive effects, leading to anxiety and changes in mental states that can result in psychosis. In contrast, CBD does not produce psychoactive effects, meaning it does not make users feel "high."

Interestingly, the combination of CBD and THC (in small amounts) has been found to enhance the anti-psychotic effects of CBD.

International Recognition of CBD

Recently, the United Nations Department of Health and the World Health Organization published a joint report stating that CBD should not be considered a prohibited drug due to its "therapeutic value" and lack of potential for abuse.

Recommended CBD Products

  • CBD Hemp Oil 10%, 10ml: A full-spectrum food supplement with 970mg CBD. Price: 38,90 € (Sale: 44,90 €)
  • CBD Hemp Oil 5%, 10ml: A full-spectrum food supplement with 475mg CBD, mixed with organic hemp seed oil. Price: 28,90 €
  • CBD Hemp Oil 2%, 10ml: A dietary supplement supporting the immune system with 190mg CBD. Price: 24,90 €

These findings underscore the potential of CBD as a treatment for psychosis, offering hope for more effective and safer therapies.