Real Users' Reviews and Experience with CBD for sleep

Author: Pavel Čermák

Sleep is a vital cycle, repeated day after day. It has a huge impact on your mood, energy, and ability to function normally. Why do sleep disturbances occur? How can we deal with insomnia and sleep disorders? Can CBD be a solution?

Why Is Sleep So Important?

The Role of Sleep

Sleep is a state of rest and physical inactivity, typically lasting about 8 hours. During sleep, all the body's systems recover, memory is "formed," and the immune system's resistance to infectious agents increases.

Consequences of Sleep Disturbances

Various external and internal factors can affect the sleep cycle. Short-term insomnia is common among people of all ages. However, persistent sleep disturbances can interfere with daily activities and overall health. Chronic insomnia can lead to serious health problems, including cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, immunodeficiency, and mental health issues.


Causes of Sleep Disorders

Psychological and Physical Causes

Sleep problems can stem from numerous sources, such as:

  • Psychological Issues: Depression, anxiety, chronic stress, psychiatric disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Lifestyle Factors: Jet lag, night shifts, excessive workload
  • Substances: Alcohol, caffeine
  • Medications: Certain prescriptions can disrupt sleep
  • Medical Conditions: Coughing, breathing problems, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, thyroid disorders, urological and digestive issues
  • Other Factors: Skin diseases, allergies, menopause, chronic pain

How CBD Can Help with Sleep Problems

The Endocannabinoid System

CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), responsible for many vital body functions, including mood, appetite, sleep, and circadian rhythms. The ECS is a network of cannabinoid receptors in the brain and central nervous system - CB1 and CB2.

CBD's Effects on Sleep

Cannabinoids interact with these receptors, producing various effects. Studies suggest that CBD may influence the sleep/wake cycle by interacting with specific receptors. Additionally, CBD can reduce anxiety, stress, and pain, which can interfere with restful sleep.

Real-Life Experiences with CBD for Sleep

Customer Testimonials

One of our clients struggled with sleep for years and found relief with CBD. After contacting our hemp counselling, she shared her experience:

"CBD has significant sedative, antipsychotic, and antidepressant effects. It can promote sleep quality. For those experiencing sleep problems, I recommend starting with a smaller dose of CBD oil and gradually increasing it. Hemp tea and CBD capsules can also be helpful."

After three months, she reported:

"I finally sleep well, and even when I wake up, I fall asleep immediately. I no longer feel tired after a night’s sleep. Thank you so much."

Additional Testimonials

  • Marria: "I finally sleep peacefully at night. Thank you and I recommend it to everyone!"
  • Bethany Clarke: "CBD hemp oil calmed me down a lot and improved my sleep. I recommend it everywhere."
  • Ava R.: "I have multiple sclerosis, and CBD hemp oil has improved my sleep."
  • Robert Johnson: "I regularly use hemp protein and CBD oil, which help improve my sleep."
  • Alfred: "CBD and CBG oils have a very good effect on my stomach and intestines. Hemp tea promotes sleep."
  • Beate: "My family and I drink CBD and CBG tea daily. It helps us sleep better and reduces the need for painkillers and other medications."


Sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. While many factors can disrupt sleep, CBD offers a natural alternative to help improve sleep quality. By interacting with the endocannabinoid system, CBD can reduce anxiety, stress, and pain, leading to better sleep. Explore our range of CBD products and experience the benefits for yourself.