Can CBD Help with Allergies? Benefits, Usage, and Real Experiences

Author: Ondrej Stovicek

With the arrival of spring, nature wakes up, and flowers and trees start to bloom. While it's a beautiful time for many, it can be difficult for others suffering from allergies. Constant sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy skin and eyes can make this season unbearable. Could CBD offer relief?

Understanding Allergies and Their Causes

Allergic reactions occur when your immune system overreacts to a foreign substance, such as pollen, bee venom, pet dander, or certain foods. These substances are typically harmless to most people but can cause severe reactions in those with allergies. Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, is a common type of allergy. During spring, trees and grasses release pollen into the air, triggering immune responses in sensitive individuals.


Severity of Allergies

Allergic reactions can vary from mild irritation to severe anaphylaxis. While most allergies cannot be cured, symptoms can be managed with appropriate treatment. Symptoms may affect the respiratory tract, oral and nasal cavities, skin, and digestive system.

Common Allergy Symptoms

Airborne Allergens

  • Runny nose
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Severe sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Asthma

Food Allergens

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Rash
  • Swelling of mucous membranes or tongue

Skin Allergens

  • Atopic eczema
  • Itchy rash on the face, neck, or skin folds

How Are Allergies Diagnosed?

Allergies are diagnosed by allergists through a series of tests to determine the specific allergens causing the reactions. Proper diagnosis is essential for effective treatment.

Conventional Allergy Treatments

Typical treatments include antihistamines, which can have side effects like drowsiness, nausea, and blurred vision. In severe cases, corticosteroids may be used. Desensitization treatment involves gradually increasing exposure to allergens to build tolerance. Dietary modifications are often recommended for food allergies.

Can CBD Help with Allergies?

Yes, CBD can help alleviate allergy symptoms and boost the immune system. CBD's beneficial properties can relieve symptoms and ease allergic reactions.

Benefits of CBD for Allergies

Antimicrobial Properties

CBD oil can open the sinuses, relieve nasal pressure, and protect against nasal congestion. It helps reduce inflammation in the throat and sinuses, making it easier to eat, drink, and speak without discomfort.

Antihistamine and Anti-inflammatory Properties

CBD has strong antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have shown that CBD has an immunomodulatory effect on cells in the respiratory system and acts as an antihistamine. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce severe allergic reactions in the nose, throat, and mouth.


Immune System Booster

Allergies are closely linked to the immune system. A healthy immune system is less likely to overreact to allergens. CBD encourages the endocannabinoid system to strengthen the immune system, helping to fight allergic reactions and repair damaged tissues.

How to Take CBD for Allergies

The best remedy is often prevention. Taking CBD daily can help prevent allergic reactions. However, if you have already developed allergies, taking CBD as soon as possible can provide relief.

Choosing the Right CBD Product

For specific issues like a scratchy throat, CBD spray can be effective. Vaping CBD is also an option, although its effects are short-lived compared to CBD oil or capsules.

Recommended Dosage of CBD for Allergies

  • CBD Oil: Start with one drop in the morning and one in the evening, gradually increasing the dose every three days until the desired effect is achieved.
  • CBD Capsules: Start with one capsule at bedtime, increasing to two if there is no improvement after three days.
  • Vaping CBD: Can be used anytime during the day to alleviate symptoms.

Can CBD Be Given to Children for Allergies?

Yes, CBD can be used in children. It is recommended to choose a lower concentration, such as 5% CBD oil.

When Will I Feel Relief from My Allergy?

Relief can typically be felt within about three days once the right dosage is set.
