5 Reasons Why Your Brain Loves Hemp: Benefits of CBD and THC

Author: Pavel Čermák

If you use hemp regularly, give yourself a pat on the back—or better yet, your head. Your brain is thanking you because using hemp helps keep it healthy! Here are the five reasons why your brain loves hemp just as much as you do:

1. Reduces Anxiety

Just one dose of hemp oil or a bite of any hemp product can make you feel happier and calmer. This happens because cannabinoid receptors are located in the center of the human brain, which controls our mood, behavior, and thoughts. The relaxing and euphoric effects of hemp help reduce anxiety.

However, hemp can sometimes increase anxiety, but this can be easily avoided. By choosing the right variety or breed of hemp with the appropriate ratio of cannabinoids for your needs, the relief can be significant. Weaker varieties are usually perfect for treating anxiety in smaller doses.

2. Promotes Brain Cell Growth

Hemp supports neurogenesis—the development of new neurons. Some lifestyle diseases, including depression and anxiety, are caused by insufficient neurogenesis in adulthood. This unique attribute of hemp is also beneficial for people who have survived a stroke, seizure, or severe brain trauma, as it helps promote the regeneration of brain tissue.


3. Fights Alzheimer’s Disease

Over 44 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease worldwide. This disease is caused by deposits of pathological proteins in the brain. Hemp can cure and even reverse the progress of Alzheimer’s disease by decomposing these proteins. Dr. Chuanhai Cao, a neurologist at the Byrd Alzheimer Institute, explains: “THC is known to be a strong antioxidant with neuroprotective attributes. THC has a direct impact on the pathology of Alzheimer’s disease by lowering the level of pathological beta proteins, stopping their accumulation in the brain, and supporting the mitochondrial function of the cells.”

Previous studies, such as one from 2008, agreed that THC “simultaneously cures both the symptoms and the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.” The study concluded that “THC is much more effective compared to usual pharmaceuticals prescribed for treating Alzheimer’s disease.”

4. Protects the Brain from Injuries

Hemp works as a prevention and protection mechanism in the human body. Studies conducted on mice in 2012 and 2013 have proven that hemp protects the brain from severe injury and carbon monoxide poisoning.

During human testing in 2014, it was shown that those who had traces of THC in their bodies had an 80% lower chance of dying from a traumatic head injury, such as impacts that often happen to sportsmen or car crash victims. Nearly 52,000 people die of traumatic head injuries every year in the US on average. Using hemp products at least once a week could potentially lower this number to 41,600.


5. Cures Brain Cancer

It is proven that hemp destroys cancerous cells without harming normal cells. Studies from 1998, 2009, 2012, 2013, and 2014 confirm this.

Why does it work? Cannabinoid (CBD), found in hemp, destroys gene ID-1, which causes the spread of cancer. On the other hand, THC causes the death of C6 Glioma cells, an aggressive form of brain cancer. Other cannabinoids, especially when used together, support this effect by not only stopping the growth of cancer but also shrinking large tumors.


So, next time someone tells you that hemp can damage your brain, tell them it’s the exact opposite. Using hemp is healthy and protective. Think of it as a form of protection for the future, ensuring that it’s a good thing for your body.