The Role of Diet in Cancer Prevention and Treatment: The Power of Hemp

Cancer is one of the most common and dangerous diseases of the modern era. But what role does our diet play in its prevention and treatment? What about hemp? We discuss this in our article.

Usual Treatment vs. Nutrition

Although it is not often mentioned in the media or even hospitals, cancer, a highly undesirable disease, is mainly caused by the consumption of foods with an acidic pH. For generations, people consumed mostly alkaline foods, but this changed dramatically in the 20th century. Have you heard from your doctor that proper nutrition can actually minimize the likelihood of developing cancer and other serious diseases?


The Impact of Acidic Foods

Today's diet consists of both alkaline and acidic elements. Consuming too many acidic foods can create a dangerous environment in our bodies, contributing significantly to the development of cancer.

Why Do We Consume Too Much Acidic Food?

  1. High Sugar Content: Most products in stores and supermarkets are acidic due to their high sugar content and various additives.
  2. Animal Products: We consume too much meat, dairy products, and pastries made from refined flour. Digestion of these products burdens our metabolism and weakens our immunity.

To support cancer treatment or avoid it altogether, it's essential to eat at least 0.5 kilos of fresh fruit or vegetables daily and change your diet and sometimes lifestyle. Examples of acidic foods include pasta, ice cream, cheese, butter, jelly, jam, alcohol, and sodas.

Balancing with Alkaline Foods

Not all acidic products are harmful, but they should be consumed in limited amounts and balanced with an alkaline diet. Alkaline foods include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds (such as hemp seeds and linseed), cereals, and legumes.

Hemp Products and CBD: Neutralizing pH Levels

Hemp products, especially CBD oils, play an important role in cancer treatment and prevention because they help neutralize pH levels in the body. In a neutral environment, the body's functions harmonize, diseases are prevented by the immune system, and depleted cells gain more immunity. If you already have CBD oil, a detailed description of the dosage can be found here.

The Importance of Diet in Cancer Prevention

Although cancer and its treatment are influenced by several factors, diet is one of the most important. Our health is closely linked to what we eat. Additionally, our bodies are "programmed" for self-improvement. A combination of positive thinking, strong will, and balanced nutrition can work wonders in maintaining health and preventing diseases.



Diet plays a crucial role in the prevention and treatment of cancer. By balancing acidic and alkaline foods and incorporating hemp products like CBD oils, we can create a healthier internal environment. Coupled with positive thinking and a strong will, a balanced diet can significantly contribute to cancer prevention and overall well-being.