My Week with CBD Coffee: A Journey Through Calm, Alertness, and Overcoming Fear

Author: Lucie Garabasova

I decided to consume CBD coffee regularly for a week and document how it affected my mood, alertness, and anxiety levels. Here's what I discovered...

The Potential of CBD in Coffee

Studies suggest that CBD offers various therapeutic benefits, including reducing anxiety, alleviating seizures, and minimizing inflammation. As someone who struggles with anxiety, I was particularly interested in CBD's calming effects.

CBD can be consumed in many forms, but I was intrigued by the combination of CBD and coffee. Proponents like Craig Leivent, PharmD, co-owner of Flower Power Coffee Co., argue that this blend offers the alertness of coffee without the usual jitters. However, skeptics, including the High Times and Dr. Bonni Goldstein, warn that combining CBD, known for its calming effects, with caffeine might not deliver the intended results. Despite the mixed opinions, I decided to try it for myself.

Day 1: From Focus to an Unexpected Nap

On my first day off, I ordered a CBD latte with almond milk from Caffeine Underground in Brooklyn. The latte was delicious, and within minutes, I felt awake and focused. However, after consuming a CBD-infused toast shortly after, I found myself unexpectedly napping for two hours. While the sleep was restful, it wasn’t something I had planned, especially with work deadlines looming. This experience reminded me that CBD affects everyone differently, and the dosage may need adjustment.


Day 2: Calm and Collected

The next day, I visited Vittles Café in Brooklyn and ordered an iced CBD coffee. I discussed my previous day’s experience with the café owner, who suggested spreading out my CBD doses and waiting at least three hours between each coffee. This time, I felt great—alert, calm, and in control. My anxiety was noticeably reduced, and I even felt energized enough to walk 3 kilometers home without needing a nap.

Day 3: Finding the Right Balance

I started my weekend work shift with a regular cup of coffee and followed it with a CBD coffee later in the morning. To my surprise, this combination worked well. I felt alert, calm, and without the usual caffeine-induced jitters. For the first time in months, I didn’t need my usual third cup of coffee during my shift. The CBD seemed to help me stay focused and stress-free throughout the day.

Day 4: A Rough Morning

By day four, I mistakenly had three cups of coffee, the last one being CBD-infused. This led to a headache and increased anxiety during my work shift. It was a tough day, and I realized that three cups of coffee, even with CBD, were too much for me. I spent the rest of the day trying to recover, reminding myself that moderation is key.

Day 5: A Balanced Day with CBD

On the final day, I started with a regular cup of coffee followed by a CBD coffee. This combination seemed to be the best for me. I felt good throughout the day, completing interviews and freelance stories, and even had the energy for a softball game. Although I felt a bit slow during the game, I noticed that my body was starting to adjust to the CBD.


Final Thoughts

Overall, my experiment with CBD coffee was an interesting experience. While I wouldn’t replace regular coffee with CBD coffee entirely, I found that it can be a useful addition, especially for reducing anxiety and staying calm. However, finding the right dosage is crucial, and it might take some trial and error to get it just right.

With the growing popularity of CBD products, I’m curious to try other forms in the future. Perhaps one of them will help manage my anxiety even better.