How to Maintain Your New Year's Resolutions with Hemp: Expert Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle

Author: Lucie Garabasova

The most common New Year's resolutions include detoxing, adopting a healthier lifestyle, losing weight, and incorporating more physical activity. As the New Year begins, we often try to start fresh, but many of us tend to create our own diets and regimes. Unfortunately, after a few weeks, we often revert to old habits. To help you stay on track, Cannadorra offers expert advice on how to keep your resolutions with the help of hemp.

It's All About Balance

"Although it may seem surprising, I would advise all the eager ones not to dive headfirst into their resolutions. The best results, especially regarding lifestyle changes, are achieved with deliberation and patience," emphasizes Ondřej Št'ovíček, director of Cannadorra.

"It’s the same with dietary changes, which are essential for all cleansing cures, recovery diets, weight loss regimes, and more. I recommend waiting for spring, when our bodies naturally awaken with nature and our diets begin to change," Ondřej continues. "In spring, we naturally prefer lighter, fresher foods, which helps replenish the body with missing nutrients. This is the ideal time to try out hemp products, which can be powerful allies in fulfilling your resolutions."

Starting from Hemp Seed

After the winter, the body needs to regain its strength and replenish its supply of various essential compounds. Since hemp seed is considered a source of nearly all the substances necessary for the healthy functioning of the human body, adding it to your diet is a great start.

"From hemp seed, the body can obtain proteins, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and a wide range of vitamins and minerals," says Ondřej Št'ovíček. It's no wonder that Buddha is said to have subsisted on just one hemp seed per day during his meditations.

Hemp Seeds for Detox

Hemp seeds can be consumed in their raw, unhulled form, which naturally contains the most valuable substances. The whole seed can be roasted, added to baking, or simply eaten as a crunchy snack. Alternatively, you can soak the seeds in water overnight, blend them in the same water the next morning, strain the mixture, and use it to make nutritious plant-based milk.

Another option is hulled hemp seeds, which are particularly beneficial for brain and nerve cells. They can be used in salads, soups, spreads, yogurt, on bread, or enjoyed as a standalone treat.



Hemp Tea

As is well known, the success of any detox or cleansing regimen largely depends on calming the nervous system. If we don't manage stress, our efforts may not yield the desired results. This is where hemp tea comes in, significantly aiding in relaxation and overall well-being.

CBG Hemp Tea Preparation

"Hemp tea soothes and relaxes, provides relief from insomnia or migraines, supports digestion, strengthens immunity, lowers blood pressure, and regulates cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The positive effects on the human body are countless," concludes Ondřej Št'ovíček.


Hemp Protein

Easily digestible hemp protein, with its high protein content, also plays a vital role in New Year's resolutions. It includes all the nutritious substances found in hemp seeds and is an excellent aid in building and restoring muscle mass, as well as strengthening the entire body.

"However, it has been proven in practice that hemp protein is appreciated not only by those aiming for a healthier lifestyle, weight loss, or detoxification, but also by athletes, children, and seniors," Ondřej points out.


Hemp protein is versatile and easy to use. It can be added to spreads, porridges, or smoothies. It can be used in its pure form, blended with banana, or purchased pre-flavored.

Hemp Seed Oil - Balm for the Body and Soul

If you prefer not to stick to the seed itself, consider one of the many products made from it. The most basic hemp product is hemp seed oil, which is obtained by pressing the seeds.

"Hemp seed oil is one of the most valuable food oils, thanks to its ideal ratio of omega-3, 6, and 9 unsaturated fatty acids. It has countless uses, particularly in cold cooking. Additionally, it is widely used in cosmetics and massage, as it contributes to the pH balance of the skin and helps regenerate its natural protective microfilm. Since the skin is the largest organ of our body, it’s essential not to overlook it when cleansing the body," explains Ondřej Št'ovíček.
