How to Dose CBD Oil Correctly: A Comprehensive Guide

Do you often wonder how to properly dose CBD oil? How do you know the number of drops in a dropper? And why is it so crucial to use CBD drops correctly? In this article, we’ll answer these questions and more.

The Right Dosage is Key to Success

For CBD products to be effective, it's essential to determine the correct dosage and use them as recommended.

Key Points for Maximum Effectiveness:

  • Regularity: Take CBD regularly, ideally at the same time each day. Inconsistent use, such as once a week, won’t provide the same benefits as daily use.
  • Duration of Use or the "Cumulative Effect": CBD is a natural supplement that requires regular and prolonged use to be effective. While you might start taking CBD for a sudden health issue (like anxiety or migraines), it’s recommended to start in advance and gradually increase the dosage as needed.
  • Personalized Dosage: Everyone’s body responds differently to CBD. Finding the right dose involves a bit of trial and error. Once you find the dosage that works for you, stick with it for consistent results.

How to Use CBD Oil Correctly

Correct usage is crucial for maximizing the benefits of CBD oil. Although each CBD product may vary slightly, today we’ll focus on the proper use of CBD oil.

Three Key Points for Dosing CBD Oil:

  1. Timing: Use the oil at least 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Administration: Place the drops under your tongue, wait for 60 seconds, then swallow.
  3. Bedtime: Take the oil at least one hour before going to bed.

How to Determine the Number of Drops

You might wonder how to measure 1 or 2 drops of CBD oil. Typically, a full dropper contains about 20 drops of CBD oil. Don’t worry—if you accidentally take 3 drops instead of 2, it’s perfectly fine.

How Much CBD is in 1 Drop?

The CBD content per drop depends on the percentage concentration of the oil:

  • 1 drop of 2% CBD hemp oil contains 1mg of CBD
  • 1 drop of 5% CBD hemp oil contains 2mg of CBD
  • 1 drop of 10% CBD hemp oil contains 5mg of CBD
  • 1 drop of 20% CBD oil contains 9mg of CBD

For a more detailed calculation of your daily CBD intake, you can use our CBD dosage calculator.

Troubleshooting CBD Dosage

While CBD oil can be tricky to dose, it remains one of the most popular CBD products due to its wide range of cannabinoids. To maintain the quality of the oil, store it in dark bottles.


Alternatives for Easier Dosing

If you’re looking for a product that’s easier to dose, consider trying CBD coconut oil, CBD capsules, or CBD spray.

Maximizing the Effects by Combining Products

Did you know that combining hemp products can enhance the effects of cannabinoids? If you’re taking CBD oil, try pairing it with CBD hemp tea for an even better experience. We also recommend trying a combination of CBD and CBG oils—it’s definitely worth exploring!

Hemp Counseling: We’re Here to Help

If you have any doubts or questions about CBD dosing, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re happy to advise you!