How Hemp Ointment Transformed Our Battle with Child Eczema: A Mother’s Testimony

Author: Lucie Garabasova

Eczema can be quite unpleasant, affecting many adults, but when it troubles a child, the challenge can be even greater. If you or someone you know is dealing with these skin issues, especially in children, this story might provide some hope. The journey of 7-year-old Elishka offers real testimony of how hemp ointment can effectively manage eczema.

Our Life with Atopic Eczema

Our daughter Elishka celebrated her 7th birthday this year, having struggled with severe atopic eczema all over her body for several years. Atopic eczema is a virtually incurable disease (although some children do "grow out of it"), but as parents, you do everything possible to help your child and, most importantly, try to prevent them from worrying.

Eczema can be extremely itchy, and it’s challenging to explain to a young child that they shouldn’t scratch—this is often impossible. Many nights were nightmarish for us because the itching would worsen, making Elishka’s eczema even more severe. We tried countless products, and I often felt completely at my wit’s end. Naturally, I know that managing eczema isn’t just about topical treatments; it’s also about diet, stress levels, and overall lifestyle. We’ve always tried to create the best possible environment for our daughter, but life is not always easy—especially with the birth of her brother and the added stress of starting school.


The Endless Search for Creams

As a mother of three, I shop practically, often taking advantage of free shipping offers. However, I soon realized that buying more wasn’t the solution. Most of the recommended ointments worked for Elishka for about a week—note that these were not cheap products, but rather expensive cosmetics recommended by doctors and friends. Yet, the outcome was always the same: after a week, the products started to burn her skin, leading to evening tantrums when it was time to apply them.

My Journey to Hemp Ointment from Cannadorra

One evening, frustrated with our ongoing struggles, I began searching for a hemp-based ointment. That’s when I discovered Cannadorra. I reached out to their experts, who provided me with excellent advice. Ultimately, I decided to try their hemp ointment for skin, and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

Elishka was initially hesitant—understandably so, given how many products had failed her. But after a week, two weeks, three weeks...we were still using Cannadorra's ointment, and for the first time, there was no burning sensation. Elishka’s eczema has significantly calmed down. We apply the ointment twice a day—morning and evening—all over her body, and the results are remarkable.

Hemp Ointment for the Skin: A Household Essential

We’ve come to swear by this ointment—it’s now a must-have in our home. Yes, it’s very greasy, and I sometimes struggle to remove the stains from our clothes, especially since I try to use eco-friendly laundry products. But these minor inconveniences pale in comparison to the benefits. Occasionally, I even find myself tired of the ointment’s smell—applying it twice a day, every day can do that (though it never bothered my daughter). When that happens, we might switch to another ointment from the pharmacy or use hemp body lotion, which we also purchase from Cannadorra. However, I know that no other ointment can be used on Elishka’s face except for this one.


Hemp Ointment for All

I also have two sons who, fortunately, don’t suffer from extensive eczema. However, they do occasionally get dry spots on their skin. When that happens, we immediately reach for the hemp skin ointment, and it effectively resolves the issue.

Thank you so much for creating products that truly help! And a special thanks to the mom who shared her story with us. We wish Elishka and her entire family continued health and happiness!