How CBD Helped Autistic Boy: Tadeas's Journey

Author: Eva Keller

Tadeas was born as a healthy little boy, and nothing indicated that something might be wrong. He was born at term, and I did not drink alcohol during pregnancy or engage in any activities that could endanger the child. The only issue was a congenital malformation of the lower limbs, either congenital or caused by a lack of space in the uterus. The true nature of this condition revealed itself over time.

Early Challenges and Medical Interventions

Immediately after birth, I began addressing my son's leg issues. Every week, I visited the University Hospital in Pilsen for straightening and casting. Despite these visits, everything seemed fine. An operation followed, but it wasn't very successful. Consulting the orthopedic clinic in Prague, we discovered that Tadeas had dislocated his leg during pregnancy and had not developed a joint cavity. This led to a month and a half in the hospital, where he was suspended on a steel structure tied to his bed for 23 hours a day. Throughout this, Tadeas remained incredibly brave and positive, enjoying browsing books and looking at animals.


The Turning Point: Adverse Reactions and Developmental Delays

After another procedure under narcosis, Tadeas returned with a cast from his chest to his ankles. He reacted poorly to the narcosis, experiencing muscle twitching for nearly a week. Around this time, his laughter, eye contact, and interaction began to fade, leaving only screaming and crying.

By the age of 3.5 years, Tadeas was developmentally at the level of an 18-month-old child. He was diagnosed with an understanding disorder, severe ADHD, mental retardation, and autism spectrum disorder. Due to the need for extensive examinations, the diagnosis process was lengthy. We frequently visited Motol, the largest Czech hospital, for hearing and vision tests. The definitive diagnosis came at age three. At that time, he was on psychiatric medication for severe anger attacks, which lasted for six hours, during which he screamed, hit his head, and engaged in self-harm. The medication reduced the duration of these attacks but did not eliminate them. He had 20-30 attacks per day before we started using CBD.

Discovering CBD: A Desperate Search for Solutions

I had been contemplating CBD for a long time as Tadeas was unhappy and unmanageable around his second year. I sought alternative treatments and tried to delay medication as long as possible. We explored homeopathy, tissue salts, herbs, fish oil, relaxation exercises, and massages. Despite encountering articles about the benefits of hemp, I hesitated to buy drops from an unknown source. However, as Tadeas's condition worsened and my older daughter moved to her grandmother's, I decided to try CBD.

First Results with CBD Oil

My son, now three and a half years old and weighing 20 kg, had been on Risperdal, a psychiatric medication. Unfortunately, its effectiveness diminished after about a year, necessitating additional medication. Risperdal alone was problematic. I ordered CBD oil with a 5% CBD content and >0.2% THC. The results were incredible.

A Day Without CBD Oil

Going out was a nightmare. Tadeas screamed, cried, hit himself and his surroundings, and refused to dress or get in a pram. The entire process took one to two hours, ending with him being "forced" into a special stroller. On the way, he had multiple rage episodes, screaming, crying, and beating himself. In the store, he reacted violently to any change. The journey home was equally challenging, with frequent stops and meltdowns. Neighbors always knew when we were home due to the noise.

A Day with CBD Oil

With CBD oil, Tadeas's behavior changed dramatically. He communicated his reluctance to go out with sounds rather than screaming and beating. Dressing and preparing to go out became smoother, with him even bringing items to help. The journey was peaceful, with fewer meltdowns and manageable situations. In the store, he remained calm, greeted everyone, and handled changes better. The trip home was relaxed, with him happily interacting with people.


Summary of CBD Use

With six drops of CBD oil, Tadeas started sleeping better, without nightmares, and even napping during the day. He became calmer but remained energetic and happy. His learning improved, and he began tasting new foods. Despite a brief attempt to discontinue Risperdal, we had to resume it due to worsening symptoms. I have now ordered 10% CBD oil in preparation for our demanding visit to thermal baths, hoping for better results this year.

Final Thoughts

If sharing our experience convinces even one parent to try CBD, I will be very happy. I believe it can bring happiness and contentment to more children and their families.