Edestin: A Revolutionary Protein from Hemp Seeds

Author: Lucie Garabas

You've never heard of Edestin? Then it's time to pay attention! Edestin is one of the main proteins found in hemp seeds, making it a key component of hemp protein. It is highly nutritious and offers significant benefits for human health. Notably, edestin is being studied for its potential to replace human plasma. Read on to learn more about what edestin is and why it is so important for us.

What is Edestin?

Edestin is a major protein found in hemp seeds. It is notable for its similarity to proteins found in the human body. Leading Czech scientists are researching edestin to potentially replace conventional blood plasma.

This protein contains all the essential amino acids that the body cannot produce and must obtain from food. It is also rich in iron, fiber, and various minerals. The name "edestin" comes from the Greek word "edestos," meaning easily digestible, which accurately describes its compatibility with the human digestive system.


The Benefits of Edestin

  • Similarity to Human Proteins: Czech scientists are intensely studying edestin due to its structural similarity to human proteins.
  • Easy Digestibility: Edestin is well-known for its easy digestibility.
  • Complete Amino Acids: It provides a complete source of protein, making it suitable not only for vegetarians and vegans but also for athletes.
  • Potential Health Benefits: While still under research, edestin consumption may offer anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Where is Edestin Found?

Edestin is naturally found in hemp seeds. These seeds can be consumed in various forms, including:

  • Whole seeds
  • Hemp oils
  • Hemp seed flour
  • Hemp protein

Edestin is also used in the food industry to produce products like protein bars and energy drinks, which are particularly beneficial for athletes and those with specific nutritional needs. Additionally, hemp seed oil containing edestin is used in cosmetics for skin and hair care.

Can Using Edestin Have Side Effects?

Edestin is considered a safe and well-tolerated plant protein without significant side effects for most people. However, individual reactions can vary, and those with seed allergies should be cautious. It is also crucial to choose high-quality edestin products from reputable vendors to avoid contaminants.

Research by Czech Scientists on Edestin as a Blood Plasma Substitute

Edestin could become a key product in the future as a blood plasma substitute. Czech scientists are investigating the use of various parts of the hemp plant, focusing on proteins contained in hemp seeds. Associate Professor Irena Šlamborová has envisioned a patentable use of edestin to replace the primary blood protein, albumin.

Edestin can address issues associated with albumin deficiency, such as poor metabolism. Edestin and albumin are strikingly similar, and hemp seed porridge contains the highest concentration of edestin among natural sources, along with beneficial unsaturated fatty acids.


Organic blood plasma made from edestin lasts much longer and doesn't require specific storage conditions like frozen human plasma. Edestin powder is vacuum-sealed, inert, and can be transported quickly to disaster sites, where it can be administered in field conditions after mixing with saline.


The organic plasma solution, based on patent ownership and development, shows promising potential. Experts at Plasma for People have already achieved 99.9 percent purity edestin and are preparing for clinical studies of the Plasma for People Bloody Organic substitute. Czech researchers have made significant progress, isolating edestin while maintaining its 3D structure, showing no adverse immune system activation in animal tests.

The project is now seeking funds for further clinical testing and market approval, paving the way for edestin's revolutionary impact on medical science.

Final Thoughts

Edestin is not just a nutritional powerhouse but also holds the promise of groundbreaking medical applications. As research progresses, edestin could become a staple in both our diets and medical treatments, highlighting the incredible potential of hemp seeds.