Can You Drive After Taking CBD? A Landmark Study Says Yes

Author: Pavel Čermák

Does CBD Use Affect Driving?

Many people wonder if they can safely drive after taking CBD products. The answer is simple: Yes, you can. Recent studies show that CBD does not negatively impact your ability to drive. Let’s delve into the first study of its kind, which confirms that CBD has no adverse effects on driving.

The First Study of Its Kind

Published in December 2020, the first study of its kind found that CBD does not impair driving, while THC intoxication does affect driving for approximately four hours. This groundbreaking study was conducted by the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics at the University of Sydney and took place at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands.

Study Details: How CBD and THC Affect Driving

The study involved 26 participants who inhaled cannabis containing various ratios of THC and CBD. These participants then drove a motor vehicle for about 100 kilometers (~60 miles) under controlled conditions on public highways. The driving tests were conducted 40 minutes after the first dose and four hours later.

The researchers also analyzed the simulated driving performance of 17 participants who completed driving tasks after ingesting a placebo and three different doses of CBD in oil: 15 mg, 300 mg, and 1,500 mg.

What Do These Doses Mean?


Did CBD Affect Driving Performance?

The study found that CBD (cannabidiol) did not affect driving performance, while the use of THC or a mixture of THC/CBD caused a slight impairment measurable 40 minutes after application, which disappeared after four hours.

Dr. Thomas Arkell, the study leader, emphasized that "road safety is a primary concern" for legislators and all stakeholders. The study aims to inform policy changes that allow for the safe use of medicinal cannabis and other cannabis-based products.

The Importance of the Study

With changing global cannabis laws, jurisdictions face the challenge of managing driving after cannabis use. The results of this study provide much-needed insights into the impact of different types of cannabis on driving, which can help shape road safety policies worldwide.

Drive Safely with CBD

The study concludes that CBD use does not impair driving. However, when using CBD products, it is essential to carefully choose a trusted CBD brand and follow the recommended daily dose indicated on the product packaging.

Drive confidently and safely with CBD!
