Exploring the Potential of CBD in Managing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD

Author: Pavel Čermák

The Rise in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

The number of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has tripled worldwide in the last 30 years. There is now undeniable evidence that endocannabinoid system (ES) disharmony plays a role in ASD, with some individuals showing reduced ES function.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a condition that often divides opinions. It’s a universal term used to describe a range of atypical behavioral traits, such as limited interests, repetitive behaviors, and difficulties in social interaction.

The term "spectrum" reflects the varying severity of autism—from individuals who function well to those who are non-verbal and severely mentally impaired. However, this linear definition doesn’t fully capture the unique combinations of emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms that many people with autism experience.

Perhaps this is why the hemp plant, known for its complex composition, is reported to not only improve many behavioral disorders associated with ASD but also alleviate some related comorbid conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, sleep disorders, and epilepsy.


The Origins of Autism

The term "autism," derived from the Greek word "auta," meaning self, was first used in the 1940s to describe children exhibiting behaviors now associated with ASD.

Little is known about why ASD develops. Genetics may play a role, as well as factors like having children later in life. Some theories suggest a possible link between exposure to heavy metals during pregnancy. In certain cases, children begin to show signs of ASD around age two, leading to unproven theories that childhood vaccines may contribute to the disorder.

Regardless of the cause, parents are suddenly faced with the challenge of coping with an evolving set of behavioral traits and physical symptoms, often with little support or information from doctors.

If a child is on the more severe end of the spectrum, exhibiting self-harm or aggression, doctors often prescribe medications such as antipsychotics, antidepressants, or sedatives to prevent violent outbursts.

The Endocannabinoid System and Autism

In a 2019 review paper titled "Linking the Endocannabinoid System to Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Review and Potential for Therapy," researchers stated that "new evidence strongly implicates the endocannabinoid system in the pathophysiology of several neuropsychiatric disorders and ASD." Moreover, findings suggest that CBD may alleviate many conditions co-occurring with ASD, such as seizures, gastrointestinal problems, anxiety and depression, attention deficit disorder, and sleep problems.

Parental Experiences with CBD

Parents have echoed these findings. In 2019, Israeli researchers surveyed parents of 53 children and teens aged 4 to 22 who had received oral CBD oil drops for an average of 66 days. Self-harm and anger improved by almost 68%, hyperactivity improved by 68%, 71% slept better, and 47% had less anxiety. In some cases, however, symptoms worsened, with 24% of participants appearing more anxious. Minor side effects, such as slight changes in appetite and drowsiness, were also reported.

Another study published in Nature in 2019 analyzed data from 188 children with ASD who were treated with technical hemp—mostly CBD-rich hemp oil—from 2015 to 2017. After six months of treatment, nearly a third of the participants reported significant improvement, and more than half reported moderate improvement on a quality-of-life questionnaire that measured mood and ability to function independently.

Is CBD Worth Considering for Autism?

While more research is needed to provide specific recommendations, the potential benefits of cannabis make it worth discussing with a healthcare practitioner knowledgeable in CBD and hemp therapies. In some cases, remarkable improvements have been observed in children with very small doses of CBD, according to Dr. B. Goldstein, author of "Cannabis is Medicine" and director of Canna-Centers, a California medical practice dedicated to educating patients about the use of cannabis for serious and chronic health problems.

"I had a patient, a little boy with autism," Dr. Goldstein recalls, "and the parents were desperate. They tried a really small dose of CBD before coming to my office, and after a week, the teacher noticed the child was doing better, even though the teacher didn’t know the boy was taking CBD oil. At just 4 or 5 milligrams, they saw incredible benefits."


On the other hand, some patients require much higher doses, and the reasons for this variability remain unclear. "CBD works at the cellular level, and it's not easy to measure," Dr. Goldstein explains. "You can’t predict what will work for someone based on their weight or condition. You have to try it and see."

(For more information, check out Dr. Goldstein's book, "Cannabis is Medicine.")


The growing body of research suggests that CBD has the potential to manage symptoms of ASD and improve the quality of life for those affected. While further studies are necessary, the positive anecdotal evidence from parents and healthcare practitioners alike makes CBD a promising option for those considering alternative therapies for ASD.