5 Surprising Health Benefits of Hemp You Should Know About

Author: Ondrej Stovicek

1. Hemp as a Potential Alternative to Opioids

Opioids have long been scrutinized for their addictive nature and the devastating toll they take on lives. Thomas Gilson, a medical researcher in Ohio, highlighted the gravity of the opioid crisis, comparing the annual overdose deaths in the U.S. to the total number of casualties from the Vietnam War.

Amidst the search for safer alternatives, hemp has emerged as a promising option. A recent study conducted in Israel focused on the elderly, who were administered hemp-based treatments. The results were striking: 93.7% of participants reported significant pain reduction, and 18.1% were able to stop or reduce their opioid use entirely. This suggests that hemp could serve as a safer, non-addictive alternative to traditional pain management methods.

2. Hemp’s Protective Role Against Liver Disease for Alcohol Users

Excessive alcohol consumption is well-known for its harmful effects on the liver. But can hemp help mitigate this damage? A study from the University of Massachusetts Medical School explored the impact of hemp on liver disease in heavy drinkers.

The findings were compelling: those who used hemp, whether regularly or occasionally, showed a much lower incidence of liver diseases such as alcoholic steatosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Even more intriguingly, habitual hemp users were less likely to develop these conditions than those who used it recreationally. This raises important questions about why alcohol remains legal while hemp is often still restricted.

3. Hemp's Potential in Preventing Dementia

One of the strongest criticisms against hemp use has been its alleged negative impact on cognitive function. However, recent research suggests the opposite might be true. A study published in 2017 found that THC, a component of hemp, could actually have a beneficial effect on the aging brain.

In the study, older mice treated with THC demonstrated cognitive abilities on par with much younger mice. Researchers observed that THC treatment not only preserved cognitive function but also appeared to reverse the aging process in the brain. This finding opens the door to the potential use of hemp in treating or even preventing dementia.

4. Cannabinoids as a Treatment for Cancer

There is growing evidence that cannabinoids, particularly THC and CBD, can play a role in combating cancer. Dr. Christina Sanchez of Complutense University in Madrid has been at the forefront of research showing that THC can induce cancer cells to self-destruct. Unlike conventional treatments like chemotherapy, which can damage healthy cells, cannabinoids appear to target only the cancerous ones.

Another study conducted in Germany using Dronabinol, a synthetic form of THC, demonstrated similar efficacy against leukemia cells. These findings suggest that cannabinoids could be among the most promising future cancer treatments. Dr. Allen Herman, head of research at Cannabis Science, supports this view, emphasizing the critical role that hemp extracts could play in cancer therapy.


5. The Unclear Relationship Between Hemp and Cardiovascular Disease

The potential link between hemp use and cardiovascular health remains a topic of debate. Some studies have suggested that hemp might increase the risk of conditions like hypertension, but the evidence is inconclusive. A comprehensive review of 24 studies found no clear correlation between hemp use and cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or heart attack.

The researchers concluded that the existing studies were inconsistent, with varying methodologies and insufficient data. This highlights the need for more rigorous research to fully understand the impact of hemp on cardiovascular health.

Final Thoughts

The lack of coverage on hemp research in mainstream media contributes to ongoing skepticism about its medicinal value. Despite this, the scientific community continues to uncover the numerous health benefits of hemp, from pain relief and liver protection to potential anti-cancer properties. However, it’s important to acknowledge that hemp use does come with risks, such as potential confusion or anxiety in some users.

As research progresses, a clearer picture of hemp’s benefits and risks will emerge, helping to inform both public opinion and healthcare practices. Until then, the growing body of evidence suggests that hemp could play a significant role in future therapeutic treatments.