The Benefits of CBD Oil for Animals

Author: Lucie Garabášová

Decades of research and various studies show that hemp has a beneficial effect on the body. This is likely why many veterinarians have become interested in the use of CBD oil for dogs and cats. Even animals have an endocannabinoid system that can interact with CBD. So let's explore CBD oils and discover how they can benefit your pet.

How Can CBD Oil Be Beneficial?

In the Fight Against Anxiety

Depression and anxiety occur when there is a chemical imbalance in the brain. Dogs are particularly susceptible to this disorder. Reports from veterinarians and medical experts have shown that using CBD oil can help stabilize and normalize chemical fluctuations that lead to these health problems. CBD can interact with the serotonin and adenosine receptors in your dog's brain to help it function properly. Many people use CBD oil to combat separation anxiety or anxiety from fireworks and storms in dogs.

It Helps Kill Cancer Cells

Research shows that CBD hemp oil has a significant impact on preventing the growth and spread of cancer cells. Although laboratory studies have been performed in rats and mice, numerous reports from medical professionals and physicians have revealed very promising results.


It Stops Seizures

Seizures often originate in the brain and can be very difficult to treat. Recent scientific studies have shown that using CBD can significantly reduce the number and intensity of seizures in most pets. This makes CBD a great helper in managing epilepsy.

Relieves Pain

Swelling and pain in dogs and cats are regulated by the vanilloid receptor in the brain. When CBD interacts with these neurons, it has been shown to effectively block and prevent the receptor from signaling the body to feel pain.

Stimulates Appetite

Research has shown that CBD can reduce nausea and stimulate appetite by interacting with multiple neurons in your pet's brain. This is especially beneficial for sick dogs suffering from systemic diseases like seizures or cancer. Encouraging a sick dog to eat helps provide the energy needed to fight these diseases. Without proper nutrition, pets can face many serious problems.

How to Use CBD for Animals

CBD oils are usually given orally to pets. The easiest method is to put the oil directly into the mouths of your dogs or cats using a dropper.

The recommended daily dosage depends on the type of disease:

  • For milder conditions, 2 drops twice a day are often sufficient.
  • For more severe conditions, it's best to consult with a professional.

Contact us, and we will be happy to help you determine the right dosage for your pet!

With these benefits and the proper usage, CBD oil can be a valuable addition to your pet's health regimen, potentially improving their quality of life and helping manage various conditions