How to Treat Dog Allergies Without Medication: Effective Natural Solutions

Author: Lucie Garabášová

Do you suspect your dog has an allergy? Is he constantly scratching, licking himself, or having digestive issues? Ignoring these symptoms can worsen the condition. While most vets prescribe common medications for allergies, there are natural alternatives. Learn how to treat dog allergies without medication in this guide.

Understanding Allergies in Dogs

What Are Dog Allergies?

Allergies in dogs are similar to those in humans—an immune system overreaction to foreign substances. Dogs can suffer from various types of allergies, just like humans.

Recognizing Allergies in Dogs

Allergies in dogs often manifest through itching or frequent licking. Commonly affected areas include:

  • Spaces between toes
  • Upper abdomen
  • Head and cheeks
  • Lower neck
  • Chest and belly

Other signs include red skin around the ears, skin inflammation, itchy eczema around the anal glands, and ear infections. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can include:

  • Itching
  • Urticaria (hives)
  • Swelling of the face, ears, lips, eyelids, or earlobes
  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Sneezing
  • Ear itching
  • Chronic ear infections
  • Eye itching and discharge
  • Constant licking

Types of Allergies in Dogs

Flea Allergy Dermatitis

Flea allergy dermatitis is an allergic reaction to flea bites. Affected dogs experience severe itching, especially at the base of the tail, with red, inflamed skin covered in scabs.

Food Allergies

Food allergies can cause itchy skin, especially around the ears and paws, and gastrointestinal issues. Common allergens include chicken, beef, pork, and grains.

Environmental Allergies

Environmental allergens like dust, pollen, and mold can cause atopic allergies or atopic dermatitis. These allergies are often seasonal and may affect the paws, ears, wrists, ankles, muzzle, groin, eye area, and spaces between toes.

Risk of Secondary Infections

Skin allergies can lead to secondary infections as dogs scratch, bite, and lick themselves, risking yeast and bacterial infections.

Natural Ways to Treat Dog Allergies

Immediate Actions

If you suspect your dog has an allergy, address it immediately by removing the allergen. If you prefer not to visit the vet for expensive tests, try the elimination method—gradually change your dog's food or cosmetics to see if the allergy improves.

Hemp Ointment for Dogs

Use hemp ointment to treat irritated skin naturally.

Recommendations for Natural Allergy Treatments

Hypoallergenic Dog Food

Hypoallergenic dog food contains a single type of protein to clearly identify allergens. The least allergenic proteins are lamb, salmon, and game. Grain-free products are also available for dogs allergic to grain proteins.


Hypoallergenic Cosmetics

Hypoallergenic shampoos and gels soothe irritated skin, relieve itching, rebuild the protective skin barrier, and control skin microflora.

Food Supplements

Allergy supplements help with skin and coat problems caused by hormone imbalances, metabolic disorders, or allergies. They contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, zinc, and other active ingredients supporting skin metabolism.

CBD for Dog Allergies

CBD drops can effectively manage dog allergies. We recommend starting with a 5% concentration of CBD drops for dogs under 15 kg and a 10% concentration for dogs over 15 kg. Administer 2 drops in the morning and 2 drops in the evening.

Does CBD Help with Dog Allergies?

Effectiveness of CBD

CBD has been shown to be effective against allergies in dogs. When given during allergy symptoms, CBD drops can reduce symptoms within a few days. After initial treatment, maintain a hypoallergenic diet and only use CBD drops if symptoms reappear.

Personal Experience with CBD for Dog Allergies

Lucia Garabashova’s Story

My name is Lucia Garabashova, and I have several animals, including a dog named Charlie. His allergies started in his second year of life. Despite trying to feed my pets well, occasional unhealthy treats led to allergic reactions. Charlie began scratching his ears and licking his paws uncontrollably, resulting in multiple vet visits for antibiotic drops.

Fed up with the repetitive vet visits, I started giving Charlie (35 kg) 10% CBD drops—2 drops twice a day. His ear infection began to subside. Along with the drops, I gave him hemp oil, hypoallergenic dry food, and 100% meat cans.

After three months, Charlie was symptom-free. I reduced the CBD drops but maintained the hypoallergenic diet. If any allergic reactions occurred, I reintroduced the drops, which cleared up the symptoms quickly without vet visits or medication.


Treating dog allergies naturally involves eliminating allergens and using appropriate supplements like CBD drops. By maintaining a suitable diet and using natural remedies, you can manage your dog’s allergies effectively without medication. Trust your dog's health to natural solutions and enjoy the benefits of a happy, healthy pet.