How to Choose the Best CBD Drops for Your Dog: A Comprehensive Guide

Author: Lucie Garabasova

Are you still unsure whether to choose CBD drops for your dog? With so many manufacturers out there, it can be challenging to know what makes a quality product. How many drops should you give, and what concentration is best for your dog? This article answers all your questions.

Why Try CBD for Your Dog?

CBD can be beneficial for various conditions in dogs, including:

  • Osteoarthritis and joint pain
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Fear of thunderstorms
  • Fear of loud noises (especially during New Year's)
  • Separation anxiety
  • Inflammation
  • Epilepsy
  • Cancer treatment support
  • Immunity support
  • Appetite support
  • Skin problems
  • Regulation of blood glucose levels
  • Allergies

What to Look For When Choosing CBD Drops

When selecting CBD drops for your pet, consider these crucial factors:

Human vs. Animal CBD Oil

It’s important to choose products that are approved by the State Institute for the Control of Veterinary Biologicals and Medicines (ÚSKVBL). This approval ensures zero THC content, which can be toxic to dogs. Our CBD drops for dogs are approved veterinary products, so you can rest assured they are safe and non-intoxicating.

Understanding CBD Content in mg

When comparing different CBD products, look for the CBD content in milligrams per bottle. A larger bottle doesn’t necessarily mean more CBD. For example, a 0.5L bottle could have less CBD than a concentrated 10ml bottle. Always check the CBD content in milligrams to make an accurate comparison.

Our CBD oils contain the following amounts of CBD per bottle:


The 10% CBD oil is the most concentrated product registered with the State Institute for the Control of Veterinary Biologicals and Medicines in CZ.

Recommended Dosage

Don’t rely solely on the dosage recommendations on the package. Often, these are low for legislative reasons. CBD is a natural product, and the correct dosage varies by individual. Start with a low dose and gradually increase it based on your dog’s response.

What Concentration to Choose?

CBD's effects vary between individuals, so if you’re unsure, start with a lower concentration. If you find yourself using more than 6-8 drops per day, consider switching to a higher concentration to reduce the number of drops required.

  • 2% CBD oil: Suitable for cats and small animals (up to 5-7 kg), or for mild issues like stress and anxiety.
  • 5% CBD oil: Ideal for smaller dogs (up to 10-15 kg) or for moderate conditions like skin diseases or serious stress.
  • 10% CBD oil: Best for larger dogs (over 15-20 kg) or severe conditions like epilepsy, severe pain, or cancer.

Example: "I have a 10 kg dog with epileptic seizures. I start with 5% CBD drops, beginning with 1 drop 3 times a day, and gradually increase to 2 drops 3 times a day. If the seizures partially subside but still occur, I increase to 3 drops 3 times a day. If I reach 9 drops a day of 5% CBD oil, I might switch to 10% CBD oil and reduce to 2 drops 3 times a day, maintaining effectiveness while extending the product’s duration."

CBD oils are not a substitute for conventional treatments, but with long-term use, the dosage of traditional medications may be reduced or discontinued, always under a veterinarian's guidance. Administer CBD oils an hour apart from other medications. They have a nutty flavor that most animals enjoy.


How to Start Dosing

Begin with a lower dose (1 drop 2-3 times a day), administered directly into the mouth or on a small piece of food. After a week, gradually increase the dose (2 drops 2-3 times a day). If needed, continue to increase by 1 drop per week until the issue is resolved. In situations where the condition worsens, temporarily double the normal dose. Use CBD long-term, but take a one-week break every 2-3 months to avoid tolerance buildup.

If you’re still uncertain, our e-shop offers all-day chat customer support, where you can consult with our specialist on the appropriate dosage for your pet.