How CBD Oil Helped Hugo the Boxer with Epilepsy

Author: Lucie Garabášová

Curious about whether CBD oil can help with dog epilepsy? Learn from the personal experience of our customer Pavlina and her beloved boxer, Hugo. Discover how CBD oil treatment works at their home and the progress Hugo has made.

The Beginning of Hugo's Journey

My name is Hugo, and I'm a five-year-old white boxer diagnosed with epilepsy. I can't remember exactly when my seizures started, but when Mrs. Pavlina adopted me four years ago, she accepted me with my occasional bouts.

Initially, the seizures were rare (about three every six months). However, as I got older, the frequency increased to two seizures per month. Last autumn, I experienced five seizures in a single week, prompting the decision to take action.


Seeking Help

We went through the standard procedure: visiting our vet and then a professional dog neurologist. The conclusion was that my seizures were not severe enough to require medication yet.

[See what my "seizure" looks like here.]

Discovering CBD Oil

Pavlina wasn't satisfied with waiting for my condition to worsen. She began researching and asking questions. At a dog exhibition, she met a representative from Cannadorra. Miss Lucie introduced her to the product range and recommended 5% CBD hemp oil for animals, which had shown positive results in dogs with epilepsy. She also advised Pavlina on the appropriate dosage based on my weight.

Starting CBD Oil Treatment

We began with 1 drop in the morning and 1 drop in the evening, aiming to find a dose that would reduce or stop my seizures. The first night, Pavlina watched me closely, but I was fine and just slept.

After three days, I had another seizure. However, I recovered more quickly because I received an extra drop of CBD oil as soon as it started.

Adjusting the Dosage

We continued with the same dose for a week, but it was clear we needed to increase it. Pavlina consulted with Lucia, and we adjusted to 2 drops in the morning and 2 drops in the evening by mid-December 2018. Since then, I haven't had a single seizure! Pavlina is thrilled, and so am I.


A Funny Incident

There was a funny incident during our journey. About 14 days into the treatment, Pavlina accidentally knocked over the bottle, spilling half of its contents on the carpet. She was worried about having to buy a new bottle sooner than expected, but more concerned about me licking some of the spilled oil.

Fortunately, nothing drastic happened. I was a bit more playful and hyperactive for a short while, but I soon returned to my usual self. I'm now a five-year-old boxer with epilepsy, feeling great and seizure-free.


Thanks to Cannadorra's CBD oil, Hugo's seizures have been effectively managed, providing relief and happiness for both Hugo and Pavlina. If you're considering CBD oil for your pet, always consult with a veterinarian to ensure the best care for your furry friend.

Recommended CBD Products for Pets:

  • CBD Oil for Animals 10%: 43,00 €
  • CBD Oil for Animals 5%: 27,00 €
  • CBD Oil for Animals 2%: 22,00 € (Sale: 27,60 €)

For personalized advice on CBD concentration and dosage for your pets, feel free to contact our hemp counseling service.