Expert Insights on Using CBD in Veterinary Medicine: An Interview with Dr. Daniela Králová

Author: Lucie Garabasova

Are you curious about the expert opinion on using CBD in animals? We interviewed veterinarian Dr. Daniela Králová, DVM, and learned about her experience and insights from her veterinary practice.

Meet Dr. Daniela Králová: A Pioneer in Using CBD at 3v1 Veterinary Clinic

Dr. Daniela Králová has been running 3v1 Veterinary Clinic in Prague Chuchle for 16 years. Over the past 2-3 years, she has actively integrated CBD and hemp products into her practice, with remarkable results.

Why Use Hemp in Veterinary Medicine?

Dr. Králová highlights that hemp is a versatile plant with a history of use dating back hundreds, if not thousands, of years. In her practice, she uses cannabis in several ways:

What Does Dr. Králová Think of Our CBD and Hemp Products?

How Long Have You Been Using CBD in Your Practice?

Dr. Králová: "I've been using CBD and hemp intensively for the last 2-3 years, although my first patients were 5-6 years ago. Given the long history of hemp use by humans, I have no doubts about its effectiveness. However, in recent years, we've been focusing on studying these effects more intensively."

What Ailments Do You Most Often Use CBD For?

Dr. Králová: "It depends on how hemp works on the body in general, which is a common concern among pet owners worried about their pets getting 'high.' I always explain that we are dealing with the component of hemp that does not have psychoactive effects. The endocannabinoids in CBD interact with the endocannabinoid system, affecting CB1 and CB2 receptors.

For example, there's a high concentration of CB1 receptors in nerve tissue, so we use CBD for pain management, seizures, epilepsy, and as an adjunctive treatment for conditions like cancer. It’s also effective for chronic diseases like allergies and skin rashes, as well as immune system support. Essentially, since all tissues contain these receptors, CBD can positively affect almost everything.

I often talk about the 'droplet syndrome'—using something in small amounts over a long period of time can lead to significant results. It might not work as quickly as antibiotics or chemical painkillers, but hemp offers a healthier alternative."

Are There Specific Cases Where CBD Has Been Particularly Effective?

Dr. Králová: "Absolutely. I use CBD primarily in three ways: internally, externally (ointments, balms), and as a nutritious food supplement. Internally, concentrated CBD drops for dogs show the most effect, especially with seniors dealing with musculoskeletal pain, digestive issues, peristalsis, and various neurological conditions. CBD has also been beneficial for epilepsy patients. Externally, I use CBD ointments for superficial skin rashes or cracked paws."

Can You Share a Specific Case of a Canine Epilepsy Patient?

Dr. Králová: "We've had several patients who were on escalating doses of chemical medication for epilepsy, which over time becomes less effective, requiring higher doses. The beauty of CBD is that it allows us to reduce these chemical medications, thereby sparing the liver and kidneys from further stress. Instead, we increase the concentrations of natural medicines, like CBD."


Is CBD Recommended for Animals Other Than Dogs?

Dr. Králová: "Yes, I recommend CBD for other animals as well. Scientists have discovered that the endocannabinoid system exists not only in mammals but also in invertebrates, insects, and marine animals. The uses of CBD are vast, and as research progresses, we'll continue to discover more benefits. That's why I recommend it to everyone."

The Nutritional Benefits of Hemp as a Dietary Supplement

What Has Been Your Experience with Hemp Products as Nutritional Supplements?

Dr. Králová: "Hemp is an amazing plant with versatile uses. It’s also an excellent nutritional supplement, contributing to overall health prevention. Hemp seed oil is particularly beneficial due to its unsaturated fatty acidsomega 3, 6, 9—and their appropriate ratios.

I use hemp bran for overweight patients because of its high fiber content, which helps them feel full. It’s also great for dogs with intestinal motility or peristalsis issues. Hemp seedcakes are ideal for increasing weight, improving fitness, and supporting sports breeds, pregnant or breeding bitches, and convalescent patients. And finally, hemp treats are a healthy way to diversify their diet."

Why Choose Cannadorra Products?

What Made You Choose Cannadorra Products?

Dr. Králová: "I chose Cannadorra products because you provide certificates for your preparations and collaborate with the Institute for State Control of Veterinary Biologicals and Medicines (CZ). This guarantees the quality and ingredients, which is crucial when dealing with hemp. If a product contained THC, it could be harmful to animals due to their higher concentration of receptors in the brain. I trust that Cannadorra products are safe and THC-free—this confidence is essential for me."

Guidance on Using CBD in Veterinary Practice

How Do You Advise Clients on CBD Usage?

Dr. Králová: "I always provide individualized guidance, considering the animal's age, health, overall condition, and any other medications they may be taking. Generally, I recommend 1 drop per 4 kg of body weight, but adjustments are made for each patient. Sometimes we allow a higher concentration, sometimes less, and gradually increase the dose for safety. It’s not something that can be standardized easily.


It’s also important to work closely with the pet owner, who can monitor the animal’s condition and provide feedback. It’s a 'long-distance run,' but it definitely gets results if the owners are patient and understand that results may not be immediate."


Dr. Králová's experience with CBD and hemp products in her veterinary practice offers valuable insights into their effectiveness and safety. Whether used internally, externally, or as a dietary supplement, these natural remedies provide a healthier alternative for treating various ailments in animals. Thank you, Dr. Králová, for sharing your expertise and trust in Cannadorra products!