Can CBD Help Your Dog with Storm Phobia?

Author: Lucie Garabášová

Dogs, like humans, can suffer from various fears, including fear of going to the vet, traveling, or loud noises. With thunderstorm season upon us, many pets may experience anxiety. Can a natural remedy like CBD oil for animals help? Find out more in our article.

Does CBD Help Against Fears and Anxieties?

Symptoms of 'storm phobia' in pets can range from gasping for breath, hiding under furniture, pacing, trembling, rapid breathing, dilated pupils, excessive drooling, whining, barking, lack of appetite, to incontinence or self-harm. These symptoms are not limited to dogs; cats can exhibit them as well. Most owners can tell if their pet is in distress.

One of the fastest-growing veterinary trends for managing pets' fears and anxieties is the use of CBD hemp oils to reduce stress. CBD, or cannabidiol, is a compound found in the hemp plant. Research has found that CBD helps manage anxiety and stress by altering the brain's response to serotonin (the so-called happiness hormone) receptors.

Did You Know?

Humans have far less sensitive hearing than dogs. People notice sound waves at 15,000 Hz, while dogs can hear up to 35,000 Hz. Some dogs are also bothered by the change in pressure that accompanies a storm, which can cause pain in the ears or joints. Additionally, fear can be caused by traumatic experiences from the past.


Which CBD to Choose and How to Administer It to Dogs in Fear of Thunderstorms

You have multiple options for what form of CBD to give your dog. We recommend CBD hemp oil for dogs from Cannadorra, which is easy to dose and is also approved as a veterinary product, meeting strict quality conditions for safe administration to dogs. Due to its percentage of CBD content, it also has a favorable price compared to competing products.

Choose the Concentration According to the Weight of the Dog

  • CBD hemp oil for animals 2%: For dogs weighing less than 5 kg
  • CBD hemp oil for animals 5%: For dogs weighing 5-15 kg
  • CBD hemp oil for animals 10%: For dogs weighing more than 15 kg

Long-term administration of CBD is recommended. Ideally, begin administration about 14 days before storm season and increase the dose when a storm is approaching.

Approximately 1-2 hours before an approaching storm, drip 3-4 drops of CBD oil directly into your dog's mouth, or administer CBD on a small piece of treat. Ensure the animal ingests the entire dose, as partial doses can be ineffective. CBD encourages a calm response during stressful situations and helps your pet overcome fear.

Tips to Make the Storm Easier for Your Dog

  • Place your dog in a quiet, windowless room during a storm, ideally in the middle of the apartment where they feel safe and protected from lightning or loud thunder.
  • Stay at home with your dog.
  • Remain calm. An agitated owner can make the dog even more nervous.
  • Wrap a blanket around the dog if it is comfortable.
  • Suppress the perception of frightening noises with music, TV, or white noise.
  • Allow your dog to be with a canine friend who is not worried about storms.
  • Consult your vet for additional help.


We've had great experiences giving CBD drops for anxiety. They are natural, safe, and highly effective. Our customers praise CBD for its wide applicability for many different ailments, making it a versatile tool that should not be missing in any vet's medicine cabinet.
