Kickstart Your New Year’s Resolutions with Hemp: Expert Tips for a Healthier Lifestyle

Author: Lucie Garabasova

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to embrace a healthier lifestyle, lose weight, and commit to regular exercise. While the New Year inspires us to start fresh, many of us struggle to stick to our resolutions. Often, we choose diets and routines on our own, only to revert to old habits after a few weeks. That’s why Cannadorra offers expert advice to help you achieve your goals with the support of hemp.

Take a Deliberate Approach to Your Resolutions

"It may be surprising, but for those eager to dive into their New Year’s resolutions, I recommend taking a patient and deliberate approach," explains Ondrej Stovicek, Director of Cannadorra.

"The best results in lifestyle changes come with patience and thoughtful planning," Stovicek continues. "This also applies to dietary changes, which are the foundation of cleansing routines, healthy diets, and weight loss programs. I suggest waiting until spring to implement these changes, as our bodies naturally align with lighter, fresher foods that replenish what’s been lost over winter. Spring is the ideal time to introduce cannabis products into your routine, which can be powerful allies in fulfilling your resolutions."

Start with Hemp Seeds for Nutritional Boost

After winter, your body needs to regain strength and replenish its supply of essential nutrients. Hemp seeds, rich in protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, are an excellent addition to your diet.

"Hemp seeds provide a complete source of nutrition, offering essential proteins, fatty acids, and a range of vitamins and minerals," Ondrej explains. "Legend has it that Buddha sustained himself on a single hemp seed per day during meditation."

Hemp seeds can be consumed either hulled or whole, with whole seeds containing the most nutrients. They can be roasted, added to baked goods, or eaten on their own. You can also soak them overnight and blend them with water to create delicious hemp milk.

Alternatively, hulled hemp seeds are perfect for brain and nerve cell health. They are incredibly versatile and can be added to salads, soups, spreads, yogurts, or simply eaten as a snack. Their nutty flavor makes them a tasty addition to any meal.


Hemp Oil: A Balm for Body and Soul

If you want to explore other hemp-based products, hemp oil is an excellent option. This oil, extracted from hemp seeds, is highly valued for its balanced ratio of omega-3, -6, and -9 fatty acids.

"Hemp oil is one of the most prized vegetable oils due to its ideal balance of unsaturated fatty acids. It is perfect for cold dishes and has numerous uses in cosmetics and massages. It helps maintain the skin’s pH balance and regenerates its natural protective layer. Since the skin is our largest organ, it’s essential to include it in your self-care routine," says Ondrej Stovicek.


Boost Your Fitness with Hemp Protein

Hemp protein is an easily digestible source of nutrition that fits perfectly into your New Year’s resolutions. Rich in protein, hemp protein aids in muscle growth, tissue repair, and overall body strength.

"We’ve found that hemp protein is highly valued not only by those pursuing a healthier lifestyle, weight loss, or detoxification but also by athletes, children, and seniors," Ondrej notes.

Hemp protein is easy to incorporate into your diet. It can be added to spreads, porridge, or smoothies. You can enjoy it pure or mix it with fruits like bananas for added flavor. Flavored versions are also available for a more customized experience.


Hemp Tea: Calm Your Nerves and Enhance Success

The success of any health regimen or detox largely depends on your nervous system's state. If you’re stressed, your efforts may be less effective. Hemp tea can play a crucial role in calming your nervous system, allowing you to achieve better results.


"Hemp tea offers relaxing and calming effects. It relieves insomnia and migraines, aids digestion, strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure, and regulates cholesterol and blood sugar levels. The benefits of hemp tea for the human body are so extensive that they almost can’t be covered in a single article," shares Ondrej Stovicek.