Hemp Tea Preparation - various recipes

Author: Lucie Garabasova

Hemp tea, also known as CBD tea, is a highly popular beverage that quickly demonstrates its effects. It is recommended to drink CBD hemp tea about an hour before bedtime to fully experience its potential.

Maximizing the Potential of Hemp Tea

Since cannabinoids are fat-soluble, it is crucial to make the most out of your CBD hemp tea. Here are some tips to enhance the effectiveness of your sleep tea:

  • Use of Fat: Mix CBD hemp tea with milk, coconut oil, or another high-fat product to improve the absorption of cannabinoids.
  • Longer Steeping Time: Allow the CBD hemp tea to steep for at least 10-15 minutes to ensure that the cannabinoids are sufficiently extracted.
  • Temperature Control: Be careful not to make the tea too hot, as high temperatures can reduce the effectiveness of the cannabinoids. An ideal temperature is around 70-80°C.

Different Variants of CBD tea or Hemp Tea

  • CBD Hemp Tea EXTRA 4%, 35g
    A high-quality organic supplement with a particularly high CBD content (up to 4%) to boost immunity, improve sleep, and aid in recovery.

  • CBD Hemp Tea 1.6%, 35g
    A dietary supplement with a higher CBD content (up to 1.6%).

  • Good Sleep Hemp Tea, 50g
    A unique blend with hops that promotes good sleep. Contains 50g of tea, approximately 16 servings.

The Benefits of Hemp Tea

By following these tips, you can ensure that your CBD hemp tea reaches its full potential and provides a relaxing experience. Enjoy your tea!

Hemp tea has effects similar to CBD capsules, but the onset of action takes longer. However, the effects are more sustainable and intense. The ritual of drinking tea is deeply rooted in our society and can lead to a sense of psychological well-being simply by sipping a hot beverage.

Using the whole herb in hemp tea often results in a more complex effect than other CBD products. It is definitely worth trying this product, as its effects can vary significantly from person to person.

Moreover, cannabinoids (CBD, CBG, and others) are fat- and alcohol-soluble. To maximize the effects of the hemp tea, simply add a fatty medium to the infusion. We recommend coconut oil or butter, as they help extract the active ingredients from the hemp blend into a form that the body can effectively process.

In our selection at Hanf-Gesundheit, you will find CBD coconut oil, which further enhances the CBD content in your hemp tea, or CBD ghee—a clarified butter with natural CBD content. For both products or any other fat, you only need 1 teaspoon per 200-300 ml of water. It is essential to add the fat immediately after pouring the hot water to keep the infusion temperature as high as possible.

Hemp Tea Ingredients

Hemp tea contains not only fat-soluble cannabinoids but also flavonoids, terpenes, minerals, and more. Additionally, hemp blends often include hemp seeds, which, when cracked, release some fat into the infusion, further aiding in the absorption of cannabinoids. Therefore, hemp tea also works well without the addition of fat.

Basic Recipe for Preparing CBD Hemp Tea

  1. Pour 200-300 ml of hot water over 1 teaspoon of hemp tea with 4% CBD and let it steep for 3-5 minutes. The longer the steeping time, the more intense the hemp tea will be. Be careful not to let the hemp tea steep for too long, as it may become bitter.

You can also use other varieties of hemp tea, but CBD hemp tea with 4% CBD is the strongest hemp tea in our range.

Methods of Preparing CBD Hemp Tea

CBD Hemp Tea Preparation 1: English Style

Enhance your CBD hemp tea with milk:

  • Prepare the hemp tea according to the basic recipe and add 1 teaspoon of milk.

CBD Hemp Tea Preparation 2: Extra Effective with CBD Coconut Oil

Add CBD coconut oil after preparing your CBD hemp tea using the basic recipe for an intensely effective hemp tea. This combination is also delicious—give it a try!

CBD Tea Preparation 3: Ayurvedic Style

Have you heard of CBD ghee? Simply add 1 teaspoon to your cup of CBD tea and enjoy the new flavor.

Hemp Tea Preparation 4: With Alcohol—For Adults Only

Prepare your CBD hemp tea according to the basic recipe and add a bit of alcohol of your choice (at least 38% alcohol). This will quickly enhance the effects of the hemp tea, as cannabinoids are soluble in both fat and alcohol. Please note: Do not drive after consuming this beverage!

When to Drink Hemp Tea and Its Effects According to Studies

Before you start drinking hemp tea, keep in mind that its effects depend on various factors, such as the moisture of the blend, the plant variety, and the amount of CBD. The effects begin approximately 30 to 60 minutes after drinking the infusion. It is advisable to drink the tea about an hour before bedtime and avoid any activities or driving afterward.

Effects of Hemp Tea According to Research and Studies

  • Improved Sleep
  • Migraine Relief
  • Pain Relief
  • Relief of Nausea Symptoms
  • Relief of Digestive Issues