Frequently Asked Questions about CBD

What is CBD?

CBD is one of over 100 cannabinoid compounds discovered in the hemp plant. Unlike its 'brother,' THC, CBD is not psychoactive, and studies have shown its therapeutic effects on human health.

To find out more, read the following article: What is CBD?

What are the Effects of CBD?

CBD has a wide range of effects, including sedative (at lower doses), stimulant (at higher doses), anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, and antipsychotic properties.

Find out more in the following article: Effects and Uses of CBD

How is CBD Produced?

CBD is produced by extraction and blending into a suitable carrier oil (such as hemp or MCT oil). Extraction methods include alcohol, CO2, or a combination of CO2 and alcohol.

Cannadora CBD oil is made with the most effective alcohol extraction method.

Does CBD Oil Appear on a Drug Test?

No, it won’t. It can only occur if you consume very large amounts of CBD oil. Typically, you would need to consume several full 10 ml bottles of CBD oil per day for it to appear on a drug test.

More information: Will CBD Oil Appear in a Drug Test?

Can I Use CBD During Pregnancy?

Yes, CBD can be used during pregnancy.

Many pregnant women find that CBD helps with side effects such as nausea, mood swings, migraines, and poor sleep.

Read more: CBD Use During Pregnancy

Can I Drive After Using CBD?

Yes, you can drive normally after using CBD.

However, if you are sensitive to CBD and find it sedating, we recommend timing your CBD use at least an hour before your planned car journey.

Everything you need to know is in this article: Does Using CBD Affect Driving?

Does CBD Cause Addiction?

No, CBD is not addictive.

Want to know more? Is CBD Oil Addictive?

How Long Does the Effect of CBD Last?

The effect of CBD depends on how it is used. Vaporizing CBD produces effects within 20 minutes, but these effects wear off quickly (within about an hour). In contrast, CBD capsules take about 50 minutes to start working but can last up to 8 hours.

Continue to the article: How Long Do CBD Effects Last?

Can CBD Be Given to Children?

Yes, CBD can be used for children. However, we recommend starting with lower doses and choosing a lower concentration of CBD.

More information here: CBD Oil - Can it Be Used by Children?

How to Use CBD?

CBD can be used in various forms, the most common being:

The choice of form depends on the issue to be addressed and the desired speed and duration of effects. While vaping provides the quickest effect, it does not last as long as a CBD capsule.

Find out more: Big Comparison of CBD Products