What is CBG?

CBG (cannabigerol) is one of the primary cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. It can be considered the ancestor or "stem cell" of other cannabinoids in the hemp plant.

Want to know more about CBG? Visit CBG from Cannadorra.

What are the Effects of CBG?

CBG has primarily anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. It has been shown to block serotonin receptors, suggesting an important role in the treatment of depression. Additionally, studies have demonstrated that CBG:

  • Stimulates appetite
  • Helps with bladder dysfunction
  • Is useful in the treatment of glaucoma
  • Stimulates bone formation and healing (useful for fractures)

Find out all about the effects of CBG here.

How to Use CBG?

If you decide to use CBG, you have several options to choose from:

The choice depends on the problem to be solved and the desired speed and duration of the effects. Vaporization provides the fastest effect, but it does not last as long as CBG oil.

Not sure which product is right for you? Contact our Hemp Advice Centre.

Is CBG Psychoactive?

No, CBG is not psychoactive. You will not feel intoxicated after taking it.

CBD and CBG - What is the Difference?

CBG is particularly helpful for specific issues such as treating glaucoma, relieving pain, helping with skin problems, and promoting bone growth. For these conditions, CBG can be more effective than CBD. However, for other issues and common complaints, CBD products are generally recommended.

More information: CBD vs. CBG.

Can CBD and CBG Be Combined?

Yes, combining cannabinoids enhances the final effect because the components of hemp are synergistic (mutually reinforcing).

The most effective product in this case is CBD + CBG oil, which is suitable for a wide range of diseases and problems.