Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions about Hemp Ointment

On this webpage, you'll find brief answers about the uses, benefits, and safety of hemp ointments, plus guidance on how to use it and where to buy it. What is the advantage of your ointment compared to other hemp ointments? The advantage of our ointment is definitely its composition - it is a 100%...

Frequently Asked Questions about Hemp Tea

How much hemp tea can I drink per day? We recommend drinking 1-2 cups per day, depending on the effect you want to achieve or why you are drinking the tea. If you want to get rid of a complaint, you can drink 2 or more cups. For those who have trouble sleeping, we recommend drinking 1 cup of tea 1...


What is CBG? CBG (cannabigerol) is one of the primary cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. It can be considered the ancestor or "stem cell" of other cannabinoids in the hemp plant. Want to know more about CBG? Visit CBG from Cannadorra. What are the Effects of CBG? CBG has primarily anti-inflam...

CBD for Dogs - FAQ

CBD for Dogs and CBD for Humans - What's the Difference? CBD for humans contains traces of the cannabinoid THC, which, although not psychoactive, plays a role in its overall effect on humans. However, THC is undesirable and potentially toxic for animals, especially small dogs, due to their more sen...

Frequently Asked Questions about CBD

What is CBD? CBD is one of over 100 cannabinoid compounds discovered in the hemp plant. Unlike its 'brother,' THC, CBD is not psychoactive, and studies have shown its therapeutic effects on human health. To find out more, read the following article: What is CBD? What are the Effects of CBD? CBD ...