Entourage Effect: Unlocking the Full Potential of Hemp

Author: Eva Keller

What is the Entourage Effect?

The entourage effect is a crucial concept in understanding the interactions and relationships that occur between the various compounds in hemp when they work together.

There are hundreds of compounds in the hemp plant that offer numerous therapeutic effects and benefits for our bodies. While THC and CBD are the most well-known cannabinoids, hemp also produces other cannabinoids such as CBG, CBC, and CBN, which play supporting roles in the overall effects of a particular strain.

How the Entourage Effect Works

When we use hemp in any form, our bodies absorb hundreds of compounds, each with its own unique effects and benefits. These actions can change in the presence of other compounds.

The entourage effect refers to the synergistic interaction where the combined therapeutic effects of all cannabinoid compounds are more potent than the sum of their individual effects. In simpler terms, mixing cannabinoids and other hemp components results in better and faster therapeutic outcomes than using isolated cannabinoids.

Historical Development of the Entourage Effect

The idea of the "entourage effect" began to develop in 1998 when two Israeli scientists, Shimon Ben-Shabat and Rafael Meshulam, first suggested the significant combined action of cannabinoids found in hemp.

This theory was further expanded by Wagner and Ulrich-Merzenich, who identified four main mechanisms of interaction:

  • Influence on different systems in the human body
  • Improving the bioavailability (absorption) of active ingredients
  • Overcoming the protective mechanisms of bacteria
  • Minimizing unwanted side effects

Key Compounds in the Entourage Effect


The hemp plant contains about 100 phytocannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBG, etc.). These cannabinoids are naturally found in plants and play significant roles in the entourage effect.


Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in all plants. Common terpenes include limonene (found in citrus fruits) and linalool (found in lavender). Terpenes have a therapeutic effect on the human body, and the practice of aromatherapy is based on these compounds.


Flavonoids are phytonutrients responsible for the bright, non-green colors in plants. They are known for their antiviral, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects, particularly those found in hemp.


Combined Therapeutic Benefits

A review in the British Journal of Pharmacology (2011) showed that the combined use of terpenes and phytocannabinoids can be beneficial in treating:

Synergy Between Cannabinoids


The interaction between THC and CBD is one of the best-known examples of the entourage effect. While THC binds directly to the CB1 receptors of the endocannabinoid system, CBD does not. Their combination reduces the "proximity" of THC to CB1 receptors, leading to relaxation without euphoria.

Research Highlights

  • A study at the California Pacific Medical Center found that combining THC and CBD produced more potent anti-tumor effects than either compound alone.
  • A 2010 study showed that patients with cancer pain reported less pain when given a combination of THC and CBD compared to pure THC extract.
  • A 2012 study found that CBD inhibits THC-elicited paranoid symptoms and hippocampal-dependent memory impairment.


When CBD and CBG are used together, they balance each other. CBD stimulates an enzyme that helps produce and regulate endocannabinoids, while CBG acts directly on our receptors. This combination provides a more balanced effect.

Benefits of Combining CBD and CBG

  • Inhibition of bacterial staph infection MRSA
  • Improved mood and relaxation
  • Reduction of harmful effects of free radicals and toxins
  • Limitation of bacterial cell growth
  • Reduction of muscle and joint pain, inflammation, and chronic pain


The entourage effect demonstrates the importance of using the full spectrum of hemp compounds for maximum therapeutic benefits. This synergistic interaction between cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids can provide enhanced health benefits and more effective treatments for various ailments. As research continues, the potential of the entourage effect in medical applications remains promising.


  1. The British Journal of Pharmacology
  2. NCBI Study on THC and CBD
  3. Journal of Psychopharmacology
  4. Taming THC: A potential synergistic effect of cannabis

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