Ondrej Stovicek

ondrej-contactThe idea to start a hemp company came to Ondrej in high school, and after university, he decided to put it into action. He was already aware of the potential of the hemp plant and studied everything he could find intensively. Apart from hemp, his hobbies include nature, and he is also active in the IT industry.

He founded Cannadorra with the idea of bringing hemp and CBD (and not just medicinal hemp) everywhere it is needed. Cannadorra is a Czech family business where we incorporate our values and attitudes into our relationships - with customers, suppliers, clients, and partners. We use all the products you find in our range ourselves and therefore only sell what we truly believe in and have tested.


Today, he is actively involved in the management of the company and continues to educate himself about hemp. He studies various publications and the latest studies, which he then draws on when writing professional articles. His articles mainly focus on CBD in treatment in general.

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