Eva Keller

eva-kellerova-cantactEva is a happy mum to her wonderful seven-year-old daughter. She loves travelling and getting to know new cultures, which always brings her new inspiration and joy. As well as caring for her family, she enjoys spending time in her garden where she can find peace and quiet and get some work done at the same time.

Since 2015, Eva has been an indispensable member of Cannadorra team involved in the promotion and development of hemp products. She takes care of product, writing, development, logistics and communication with customers and suppliers. Her personal experience with hemp has firmly convinced her of how healing it can be. By taking CBD regularly, she was able to get rid of her ovarian cysts, which she considers a miracle that enabled her to become a mother.

Eva is also very grateful for meeting Rick Simpson, whose knowledge and experiences have influenced her enormously. You can find their conversation and more information here.

Hemp products are not only a professional commitment for Eva, but also a personal passion that she enjoys sharing with others.

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