
Lucie Garabasova

lucie-cantactLucie has been involved with animals since she was young. Her dream was to study veterinary medicine, but she eventually decided to pursue economics instead. Dogs have been a constant presence in her life—her first dog was a Beagle named Buddy. Currently, she has adopted two dogs from a shelter: Ozzy and Charlie. Ozzy is older (and a regular CBD user :-) ), while Charlie is a young, strong dog with whom they participate in various sports like running competitions and agility training. Besides their dogs, Lucie and her husband also run a ranch, dedicating all their free time to it, where they keep horses, cats, and poultry.

Her daily interactions with animals and dealing with various health issues led her to delve deeper into natural veterinary medicine. This is where she discovered CBD and its positive effects. Shortly after, she introduced the first CBD products as veterinary remedies, and over time, she has built a stable clientele who regularly consult with her and whose animals consistently use CBD. Along with her regular customers, new clients also come to her, whom she and her colleagues at Hanf Gesundheit assist.

She continuously keeps up with new developments in animal care, exchanges experiences with other professionals, and firmly believes that therapy should be comprehensive to achieve the best results. She has a particular interest in the care of dogs' musculoskeletal systems.

So, if you seek advice from Lucie, you are likely to learn something beyond just hemp seed oil, something that could be valuable in solving your four-legged friend's issues.

Contact Lucie Garabasova for a hemp consultation:


Telefon: +420 739 420 574

Facebook: Lucie Garabas

Linkedin: Lucie Garabas

Instagram: Lucie Garabasova

Pavel Čermák

contact-page-pavelEveryone knows Pavel in the hemp health community, primarily thanks to the Hemp Advice Center, where he has been helping customers for years to choose and properly use hemp products. His journey with hemp began in school, where he first learned about its recreational use. Later, due to arthritis in both ankles, he discovered a hemp ointment that significantly alleviated his pain. This sparked his deep interest in hemp, leading to extensive knowledge and expertise in the field.

The Turning Point: Discovering

One day, while riding the streetcar to a lecture, Pavel saw an advertisement for magazine. Without hesitation, he subscribed. The first article he read, which he still remembers clearly, was about a man who cured his hereditary prostate cancer with hemp. This was the catalyst that propelled Pavel to delve deeper into the world of hemp.

A Passion for Self-Study

Pavel devoured the new issues of like no other reading before. In the meantime, he purchased almost every publication available on cannabis, beginning a dedicated journey of self-study.

Professional Expertise in Hemp Health

Today, Pavel runs a hemp clinic at Hemp Health and also manages wholesale distribution for the Czech Republic with due diligence. His comprehensive understanding of hemp and its benefits makes him an invaluable resource for those seeking guidance.

Need Help? Contact Pavel

If you are unsure about choosing the right product or dosage, do not hesitate to contact him. Pavel is always ready to provide expert advice and support.

Contact Pavel for hemp consultation:

Ondrej Stovicek

Ondrej Stovicek

ondrej-contactThe idea to start a hemp company came to Ondrej in high school, and after university, he decided to put it into action. He was already aware of the potential of the hemp plant and studied everything he could find intensively. Apart from hemp, his hobbies include nature, and he is also active in the IT industry.

He founded Cannadorra with the idea of bringing hemp and CBD (and not just medicinal hemp) everywhere it is needed. Cannadorra is a Czech family business where we incorporate our values and attitudes into our relationships - with customers, suppliers, clients, and partners. We use all the products you find in our range ourselves and therefore only sell what we truly believe in and have tested.


Today, he is actively involved in the management of the company and continues to educate himself about hemp. He studies various publications and the latest studies, which he then draws on when writing professional articles. His articles mainly focus on CBD in treatment in general.

Contact Andreas:

Eva Keller

Eva Keller

eva-kellerova-cantactEva is a happy mum to her wonderful seven-year-old daughter. She loves travelling and getting to know new cultures, which always brings her new inspiration and joy. As well as caring for her family, she enjoys spending time in her garden where she can find peace and quiet and get some work done at the same time.

Since 2015, Eva has been an indispensable member of Cannadorra team involved in the promotion and development of hemp products. She takes care of product, writing, development, logistics and communication with customers and suppliers. Her personal experience with hemp has firmly convinced her of how healing it can be. By taking CBD regularly, she was able to get rid of her ovarian cysts, which she considers a miracle that enabled her to become a mother.

Eva is also very grateful for meeting Rick Simpson, whose knowledge and experiences have influenced her enormously. You can find their conversation and more information here.

Hemp products are not only a professional commitment for Eva, but also a personal passion that she enjoys sharing with others.

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