Why CBD from Alcohol Extraction is Superior to CO2 Extraction

Author: Ondrej Stovicek

CBD (cannabidiol) is typically derived from CBD-rich hemp plants through a process called extraction. This method involves using a solvent to separate valuable compounds from plant material. The most commonly used solvents for CBD extraction are alcohol and supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2). Let's delve into the differences between these two solvents and explore why CBD extracted with alcohol is often considered superior.

Understanding the Extraction Solvents

Alcohol vs. CO2: The Basics

Alcohol Extraction

Alcohol, primarily ethanol, is an organic solvent derived from the fermentation of plants. It has the unique ability to extract both polar and non-polar compounds from hemp, resulting in a more comprehensive extraction.

CO2 Extraction

Supercritical CO2 is a gas that becomes a supercritical fluid at high pressures and low temperatures. Although CO2 is effective at extracting non-polar compounds, it misses many valuable polar compounds present in hemp.

Key Differences

  • Origin: Alcohol is plant-based, whereas CO2 is a gas that can be toxic in high concentrations.
  • Extraction Capabilities: Alcohol extracts both polar and non-polar compounds, making it more effective at capturing the full spectrum of hemp's beneficial substances.
  • Health and Safety: While CO2 extraction is clean, the handling of supercritical CO2 requires specialized equipment due to its potential hazards.

Advantages of Alcohol Extraction

Comprehensive Extraction

Alcohol’s ability to extract a wider range of compounds is particularly beneficial for hemp plants, which contain a diverse array of substances. These include water-soluble compounds, oils, polysaccharides, and acids that contribute to the overall efficacy of the extract.


Enhanced Bioavailability

One significant advantage of alcohol extraction is the process of esterification. When organic acids like CBDa react with alcohol, esters are formed. These esters are water-soluble, making them easier for the human body to absorb. This increased bioavailability means that CBD extracted with alcohol has greater therapeutic potential.

Why Alcohol-Extracted CBD is Superior

Richer Extracts

Alcohol extraction captures more of the beneficial compounds found in hemp, including those soluble in water. This results in a more potent and effective CBD product.

Better Absorption

The esterification process enhances the solubility of organic acids in water, improving the absorption rate of CBD in the human body. This makes alcohol-extracted CBD more bioavailable compared to CO2-extracted CBD.

Medical Potential

With a broader range of extracted compounds and improved absorption, alcohol-extracted CBD holds greater promise for medical applications. The comprehensive nature of these extracts can potentially offer more significant health benefits.



While CO2 extraction is a popular method for producing CBD, alcohol extraction offers several advantages that make it superior. It provides a more comprehensive extraction, enhances the bioavailability of CBD, and captures a wider range of beneficial compounds. For those seeking the full potential of CBD, alcohol-extracted CBD is the clear choice.


By understanding the nuances of these extraction methods, you can make an informed decision about the best type of CBD for your needs.