A Psychologist's Perspective on CBD: Insights from Lucie Kolaříková and Hemp Therapist Pavel Čermák

Lucie Kolaříková, a psychologist with 17 years of experience in personal development, has guided thousands through corporate and public seminars. Specializing in self-love, healing the inner child, and stress and fear relief, Lucie has created numerous programs and authored the "Textbook of Self-Love," the first professional book on self-love by a Czech author.

Lucie is also a strong advocate for hemp and CBD products, which she frequently recommends to her clients. To delve deeper into the benefits and applications of CBD, Lucie interviewed Pavel Čermák, the head of the Cannadorra hemp counselling center and a seasoned hemp therapist.

Key Insights from the Interview:

  • Legal Status of Hemp and CBD Products
  • THC Levels in CBD Preparations
  • Comparison Between Synthetic and Natural Hemp
  • The Role of CBD and CBG in Health and Wellness
  • Applications of Hemp for Children, Breastfeeding Mothers, and Mental Health

Introduction to the Experts

Lucie Kolaříková: "Hello, I’m Lucie Kolaříková, a psychologist and guide in self-love and fear treatment. Today, I’m excited to introduce Pavel Čermák, the lead advisor at Cannadorra. As a major proponent of CBD, I’m thrilled to have Pavel here to answer some pressing questions from my audience about CBD’s benefits and applications."

Pavel Čermák: "Hello, Lucie. I’m delighted to be here. I’ve been working with Cannadorra for six years, educating the public about hemp and its benefits. While awareness has grown, there are still many misconceptions about legal hemp. Today, we’ll address some of these."


Understanding CBD

Pavel Čermák: "CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of over 120 cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive and thus legal in many regions. It primarily affects the central nervous system by interacting with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates homeostasis in the body."

The Superiority of Natural Hemp over Synthetic Alternatives

Lucie: "What’s the difference between synthetic CBD and plant-derived CBD? Are their effects the same?"

Pavel: "Great question. Synthetic CBD can never fully replicate the effects of natural hemp extracts, which contain a synergistic blend of cannabinoids, terpenoids, flavonoids, and other compounds. These natural substances work together to create a more complex and effective process than synthetics can achieve. Therefore, I always recommend using broad-spectrum natural products over synthetic alternatives."

CBD vs. CBG: How Do They Differ?

Lucie: "I’ve tried both CBD and CBG and noticed different effects. What’s the difference between them, and when should each be used?"

Pavel: "CBG, or cannabigerol, is a relatively new cannabinoid with distinct properties. While research on CBG is still emerging, it’s known to regenerate skin cells and may be effective for gastrointestinal issues. CBG interacts directly with CB1 and CB2 receptors, unlike CBD, which responds indirectly. For most conditions, I recommend starting with CBD and adding CBG if needed."

Addressing Common Concerns: Is CBD Addictive?

Lucie: "Is CBD addictive? Do users need to increase the dose over time?"

Pavel: "CBD is not addictive. While psychological dependence can occur if it alleviates a chronic problem, there are no withdrawal symptoms if you stop using it. Over time, your body may require a short break to reset its sensitivity to CBD, after which you can resume at a lower dose."

THC Content and Legal Considerations

Lucie: "How much THC is in your products? Can it show up in a drug test or affect blood donation?"

Pavel: "Our products contain less than 0.2% THC, which is non-psychoactive and legal across Europe. This minimal THC level will not affect drug tests or blood donation. However, for those concerned, THC-free options are available."

CBD During Pregnancy and for Children

Lucie: "Is it safe to use CBD during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or for young children?"

Pavel: "Yes, CBD is safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The body naturally produces endocannabinoids, which are crucial for early development. CBD can alleviate digestive issues, improve sleep, and calm the nervous system. Hemp products like hemp oil and seeds are also beneficial during these times."


CBD for Various Health Conditions

Lucie: "What conditions have you seen CBD be most effective for?"

Pavel: "CBD has shown positive effects for a range of conditions, including epilepsy, autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, hypertension, and more. It’s also effective for chronic pain, especially neuropathic pain, and can support the immune system."

Combining CBD with Conventional Medications

Lucie: "Can CBD be used alongside psychotropic medications? Can it replace them?"

Pavel: "CBD can be used with most psychotropic medications, but it’s important to monitor for any interactions. CBD can enhance the effectiveness of some medications, allowing for lower doses. Over time, some users may be able to reduce their reliance on conventional drugs under medical supervision."

Final Thoughts

Lucie: "Thank you, Pavel, for sharing your expertise today. I hope this conversation helps answer many of the questions people have about CBD."

Pavel: "Thank you, Lucie. It’s been a pleasure discussing these important topics. If anyone has more questions, feel free to reach out."